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词汇 symphony
例句 There are some intensely lyrical passages in his first symphony.他的第一首交响曲里有些特别抒情的片段。Oh, we had all the requisite subscriptions: symphony, ballet, opera.哦,要预订的都已经预订:交响乐、芭蕾舞、歌剧。This Sibelius symphony sounded deep and dark in its thoughts, gigantic in its climaxes, and stirring in its grand themes.这部西贝柳斯的交响曲听上去思想深邃莫测,高潮处气势恢宏,主题动人心魄。The orchestra was at full strength for the Mahler symphony.交响乐团全员演奏马勒的交响曲。The composer himself conducted the symphony.作曲家亲自指挥了这首交响乐。The symphony is admirable in conception.这部交响乐的构思令人钦佩。The symphony's first movement is an allegro.交响曲的第一乐章是快板。Nine years elapsed before he produced his eighth symphony.九年过去了,他才创作出了第八交响曲。The finale of Beethoven's ninth symphony is really magnificent.贝多芬《第九交响曲》的末乐章气势非常恢宏。The musicians rehearsed (the symphony) for the concert.乐师们为音乐会排练(交响曲)。Mozart composed his first symphony when he was still a child.莫扎特还是小孩子的时候就创作了他的第一部交响曲。The orchestra played a Mozart symphony.乐队演奏了一首莫札特的交响曲。The symphony does require a largish group of players.这首交响乐的确需要相当大的一个乐团来演奏。He has been scrutinizing Beethoven's autograph symphony manuscripts.他一直在仔细研究贝多芬的交响乐手写稿。Beethoven's fifth symphony has four movements.贝多芬的第五交响曲有四个乐章。His symphony was laughed off the stage at its first rehearsal.他的交响曲在第一次预演时就因受到嘲笑而告失败。The station broadcasts the symphony live every Friday night.电台每周五晚上直播交响音乐会。He conducted the world premiere of the symphony.他指挥了这首交响乐的世界首演。The symphony is in rehearsal now.这支交响乐正在排练中。Her second symphony sank without a trace.她的第二部交响乐无人问津。The symphony failed to congeal as a single oeuvre.这部交响乐未能融为有机整体。Beethoven's symphony is unique in music.贝多芬的交响曲在音乐中是无与伦比的。In the fall the woods is a symphony in red, brown and yellow.在秋天,这些树林呈现一片和谐的红色,棕色和黄色。He is a protean stylist who can move from blues to ballads and grand symphony.他风格多变,从布鲁斯、乡村音乐到雄壮的交响乐都能驾驭。The music college aims to encourage talents as diverse as members of symphony orchestras and pop groups.这所音乐学院旨在鼓励来自交响乐团和流行乐队等的各种各样的音乐人才就读。The symphony is a late work.这首交响曲是晚期作品。The family patronizes the arts/symphony.这家人赞助艺术/交响乐活动。It is not possible to reconstruct the complete symphony from these manuscript sketches.想要通过这些手写草稿恢复这一交响乐的全貌是不可能的。We went through the whole symphony four times, and he still wasn't satisfied.我们把整部交响乐练习了四遍,但他仍不满意。Many people regard Beethoven's fifth symphony as his finest work.很多人认为贝多芬的第五交响曲是他最杰出的作品。He is a violoncellist in a symphony orchestra.他是交响乐团中的大提琴手。She's been commissioned to write a symphony.她受人委托写一首交响乐曲。He conducts a symphony.他指挥一个交响乐团。The second movement of the symphony should be played andante.交响乐的第二乐章应该用行板演奏。




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