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I swerved to avoid the other car and only just missed a tree.我为避开另一辆车急忙转向,差一点就撞到树上。A black BMW swerved, narrowly missing another car.一辆黑色宝马突然转向,险些撞上另一辆汽车。The driver tried to change gear, then swerved.司机试图换挡,接着突然转向。He swerved suddenly, narrowly missing a cyclist.他突然转向,差点就撞到一个骑自行车的人。The car almost swerved off the road and into the river.汽车突然转向,差点儿滑出路面栽进河里。That was close! We would've been in trouble if you hadn't swerved.好险!如果你没有急转弯,我们可就麻烦了。He swerved to avoid the cyclist.他急忙转弯避让那个骑自行车的人。The car swerved as his attention lapsed.因为他走神,车子偏离了方向。Cars swerved, horns blared, tyres screeched.汽车纷纷急转弯,喇叭声大作,轮胎发出刺耳的磨地声。Taken off guard, Siobhan swerved the car almost into the path of an enormous truck.西沃恩一不留神来了个急转弯,差点儿把车开到一辆大卡车行驶的车道上。She swerved to avoid an obstacle in the road.她急打方向盘,以避开路上的障碍物。The truck swerved violently and went into a wall.卡车突然猛地转向,撞到了墙上。Suddenly Ned swerved the truck, narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard.内德驾驶的卡车差点撞到一个滑滑板的金发少年,他猛打方向盘才躲了过去。Their car swerved to avoid a truck, and plunged off the cliff.他们的汽车一个急转弯想避开一辆卡车,却坠下了悬崖。The car swerved and crashed into the wall.汽车突然转向一边,撞在墙上。He swerved and caused an accident.他猛地急转,引发了事故。The truck swerved to avoid a car coming from the other direction.卡车突然转向一旁以避开迎面而来的小汽车。She swerved to avoid a crash.她突然转向以避免相撞。The driver tried to change gear, then swerved.司机试图换挡,结果突然转向。She swerved to avoid an oncoming car.她突然转向以避开迎面开来的汽车。Dozens were injured when a passenger bus swerved into the wrong lane and slammed into another bus.一辆客车突然转向驶上了逆向车道,结果和另一辆公共汽车相撞,数十人受伤。The driver swerved to avoid a child, and crashed into a signpost.司机急转弯避开一个小孩,结果撞到了路标上。We hit a bump and the car swerved.我们的汽车撞上了一块凸起物,偏离了方向。The taxi driver swerved, narrowly missing a bus.出租车司机猛地转向,勉强避开了公共汽车。The car hit a hump in the road and swerved.汽车撞上了路上的一个隆起而突然变向。The car swerved sharply to avoid the bus.这辆汽车猛地转向避让公共汽车。The driver swerved into a brief detour.司机驾车拐入一段短短的弯路。She swerved off the road and took out a telephone pole.她一个急转弯驶离了马路,撞坏了一根电话线杆。The vehicle swerved off the road.这辆车突然转向驶离了公路。The truck swerved and hit a stationary vehicle.卡车急转弯撞到了一辆停着的车。She swerved to avoid a bicycle.她猛打方向盘以免撞上一辆自行车。The bus driver swerved to avoid hitting a cyclist.为了不撞上骑自行车的人,这辆公共汽车只好急转弯。A truck swerved and clipped a parked car.一辆卡车急转弯,猛地撞上了一辆停着的汽车。He swerved and avoided an accident.他突然转向,避开了一场事故。He swerved his car sharply to the right.他猛地将车右转。The car swerved to the right.车子突然转向右方。The car swerved crazily, and plunged off the road.汽车莫名其妙地突然拐弯,冲出道路。Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies.从对面来的汽车司机急忙转向以免撞到那些尸体。The car swerved sharply to avoid hitting the deer.汽车突然急转弯,以免撞上那只鹿。The car swerved to avoid a pothole.车子突然转向以避开路上的坑。 |