例句 |
James is always swanning off to somewhere fabulous.詹姆斯总是去一些绝妙之地悠然闲逛。She spends her time swanning around the world.她一个人自由自在地环游世界。He just went swanning off to the races when he should have been working.他本该工作,却溜去看赛马。He is swanning around the world spending his ill-gotten gains on a champagne lifestyle.他正在悠闲地周游世界,用非法所得过着奢华的生活。He's been swanning around foreign countries for the last six months.这六个月他一直在外国闲游。She's always swanning off to some exotic locale.她总是去一些有异国风情的地方闲游。 |