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词汇 surveys
例句 The results from various recent surveys were evaluated.对近来各项调查的结果进行了评估。The surveys took up far too much time, and they were difficult to understand.这些民意调查太费时,也很难理解。The results of these surveys often lie.这些调查结果常常会给人以假象。The class surveys American history before the Civil War.这节课概述了南北战争前的美国历史。The scientists conducted two aerial surveys followed by two ground surveys.科学家们在两次地面勘测后又进行了两次空中勘测。This survey revealed even higher levels of error than earlier surveys.这篇调查报告显示的差错率水平甚至比之前的几篇还要高。The latest economic surveys are more downbeat as a result of the recent decline in world trade.由于最近世界贸易下滑,最新的经济调查结果更趋悲观。You can accumulate bonus points by participating in surveys.你可以通过参与调查积累奖励积分。According to the latest surveys many Britons suffer from heart disease.据最近调查显示,许多英国人患有心脏病。First he surveys Islam's development.首先他回顾了伊斯兰教的发展过程。My aim is to synthesize data from all the surveys.我的目标是综合所有调查得来的数据。Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures.其他多项调查已产生了与这些数字基本一致的结果。We use focus groups, surveys, and questionnaires to try to gauge our customers’ needs.我们利用焦点小组、调查和问卷的形式来判断客户的需要。If you compare it to some of the other surveys that have been conducted, it is in the general ballpark.如果把它和其他一些已经做过的调查相比较,结果大致相当。Galactic surveys show that distant galaxies are not as evenly distributed in space as theory predicts.对银河系的研究表明,遥远星系在太空中的分布并不像理论所预言的那样均匀。If you compare it to some of the other surveys that have been recently conducted, then it is in the general ballpark.如果拿它与其他一些最近的调查作比较,结果大致相当。This book surveys the events leading to the Civil War.这本书概述了导致南北战争的各个事件。Although most of us do not know much about the technicalities of surveys, we have a broad idea of what they are about.尽管我们中的大部分人对民意调查的技术细节不大清楚,但对此我们都有个大致的概念。These surveys are often a rather fallible guide to public opinion.根据这些调查评估公众意见往往会犯错误。He surveys American politics with a conservative world view.他用一种保守的世界观审视美国政治。




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