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例句 Rebels surrounded the city's landward sides.叛军包围了该市的近陆地区。In the consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects.在诊疗室,孩子们周围摆满了熟悉的东西。He's always been surrounded by people who adore him.他总是被崇拜者包围。The decision had been agreed in principle before today's meeting, but some controversy surrounded it.该决定在今天的会议之前就已达成原则上的共识,但围绕这一决定还存在一些争议。He was clutching the award he had just won for Best Newcomer, surrounded by fans and well-wishers.他紧握着刚刚获得的“最佳新秀奖”奖杯,被球迷和支持者团团围住。The cottage is surrounded by the most glorious countryside.村舍的周围是绚丽的乡村景致。The house was surrounded by a white picket fence.这座房子四周围着白色的尖板条栅栏。He was surrounded by people, all with claims on his attention.他被人们团团围住,个个都想得到他的关注。The issue is surrounded by legal complexities.这个问题被错综复杂的法律体系所困扰。Philip found himself in a large playground surrounded by high brick walls.菲利普发现自己来到了一个大操场上,周围是用砖砌起的高墙。Swarms of police officers surrounded the building.大批警察包围了这幢楼。Towering mountains surrounded the town.巍峨群山环绕着小镇。She was surrounded by fans wanting autographs.她被想要她亲笔签名的粉丝围住。He was a weak king surrounded by corrupt advisers.他是个软弱无能的国王,身边都是些腐败的顾问。John found himself surrounded by insincere flattery.约翰发现自己为虚情假意的奉承阿谀所包围。The hotel is surrounded by perfectly manicured gardens.宾馆四周是精心护理过的花园。I was surrounded by a posse of photographers.我被一群摄影师围住了。The Senator arrived, surrounded by personal bodyguards.这位参议员在私人保镖的簇拥下抵达。I was surrounded by people begging for food.我被一群讨饭的围住了。Police surrounded the building, but somehow the gunman managed to escape.警察包围了大楼,但是那名持枪歹徒还是设法逃跑了。The factory was surrounded by barbed wire.工厂用带刺的铁丝网围着。He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself surrounded.他试图逃跑,但发现已被包围时只好放弃了这个念头。The pasture was surrounded by an electric fence. 牧场四周围了电篱笆。Armed police quickly surrounded the building.武装警察迅速包围了这幢楼房。A blanket of secrecy surrounded the tribunals.裁判庭笼罩着一层神秘面纱。Backstage, Paul was surrounded by bimbos in short skirts just waiting for him to notice them.在后台,保罗身边围着一群穿短裙的美艳傻妞,就等着他来注意。In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects.在温馨的诊疗室里,孩子们周围摆满了亲切熟悉的东西。I'm surrounded by incompetents!我周围都是些没用的人!Gwen sat at her desk, surrounded by books and papers.格温坐在桌前,周围堆满了书和报纸。Jem opened the box. Inside, surrounded by cotton wool, was a little brooch.杰姆把盒子打开。盒子内是由棉花包着的一枚小胸针。Bouquets and hand-written cards offering sympathy surrounded the scene of the accident.事故现场的周围摆满了表示哀悼的花束和手写的卡片。She claimed that an atmosphere of sleaze and corruption now surrounded the Government.她宣称一股肮脏腐败之风充斥着整个政府。The street was bordered by a row of neat gardens surrounded by neat hedges.街道两旁是一排被整齐树篱包围着的漂亮花园。The garden was surrounded by a low wall.花园周围是一道矮墙。They had the suspect surrounded.他们包围了嫌疑犯。This village is surrounded by majestic mountain scenery.村子为壮丽的山色所环抱。We were like sitting ducks, our only defense a small shed surrounded by a few concrete blocks.我们就像是坐以待毙的鸭子,唯一的防护就是一个小棚子,周围有几块大的混凝土砖。We found ourselves surrounded by a gang of vicious young thugs, armed with belts, sticks and stones.我们发现自己被一伙凶残的年轻暴徒包围了,他们手里拿着皮带、棍子和石块。The lakes are surrounded by a panoply of mountains.湖泊四周是气势磅礴的群山。The duchess arrived, surrounded by her army of servants.公爵夫人在大批随从的簇拥下抵达。




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