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Has he had his nose surgically enhanced?他做了鼻子的整形吗?The drug is surgically implanted into a woman's arm where it gradually releases the hormones into the body.这种药物被通过手术的方式植入一位女子的手臂,它会逐渐向人体释放荷尔蒙。In very severe cases, bunions may be surgically removed.在非常严重的情况下,拇趾囊肿可能需要通过外科手术切除掉。The tumor was surgically extracted.通过手术摘除了肿瘤。The tumor will have to be surgically removed.这个肿瘤必须要切除得很精准。Unsightly moles can be removed surgically.不雅观的痣可以手术去除。Localized amyloid tumours can be surgically removed.局部淀粉样瘤可以通过手术移除。He was always surgically neat in everything he did.他做什么一向都像外科医生似地利索。His surgically repaired knee is bothering him.他曾做过手术的那只膝盖在隐隐作痛。 |