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词汇 surged
例句 Thousands of volts surged through his car after he careered into a lamp post, ripping out live wires.他的车猛地撞到灯柱上,扯断了带电的电线,数千伏高压电流骤然通过车身。An uncontrollable anger surged up within him.不可抑制的怒火在他心中燃烧。Housing prices have surged in recent months.最近几个月房价飞涨。The value of exports surged last year, recording an all-time high.去年的出口值剧增,达到前所未有的最高纪录。Panic surged through her.她顿时惊慌失措。Memories surged up in Don's mind.一幕幕回忆在唐脑海里涌现。She surged past the other runners.她猛冲超过了其他赛跑者。Half-a-dozen lads surged round the corner, jumping about, shouting.六个少年挤在拐角处,跳来跳去,吼叫着。An angry crowd surged through the gates of the president's palace.愤怒的人群涌进了总统府的大门。The boat surged forwards as he slackened the rope.他松开缆绳,小船起伏着向前驶去。Blake surged forward from midfield and laid off a perfect ball to Chaplow.布莱克从中场猛冲,将球妙传给查普洛。Hot knives of pain surged through her head.她头部感到阵阵刀割般的灼痛。The crowd surged forward towards the police.人群向警察涌去。The flood water surged down the little street.洪水涌入狭窄的街道。Nausea surged in him and he retched violently.他突然觉得恶心,猛烈地干呕起来。The dollar surged against the yen in the final half hour of trading.在交易的最后半小时里美元对日元的汇率猛涨。Panic surged inside her.她内心充满恐惧。Every time a bus came, the crowd surged forward.每一次有公车驶来,人群就向前拥去。The crowd surged through the gates.人群蜂拥着通过大门。The tides surged over the rocks.潮水奔腾著涌过礁石。The crowd surged forward and the fence gave way.人群向前涌去,围栏被冲塌了。Demonstrators surged through the capital city yesterday, ignoring threats of reprisals from the government.示威人群昨日涌向首都—他们对政府要秋后算账的威胁置之不理。The photographers and cameramen surged forward.摄影师、摄像师们一拥而上。The crowd surged out of the church.人群从教堂中涌出。Orders from customers in the Far East have surged.来自远东地区客户的订单大量增加了。Every time a taxi came, the crowd surged forward.每来一辆出租车,人群就蜂拥上前。The Atlantic swell surged up under them.大西洋的浪涛在他们下面滚滚涌起。Demonstrators surged through the streets, demanding the President's resignation.示威者从街道上蜂拥而过,要求总统辞职。The dinghy surged forward with each stroke.每划一次桨小舢板都会向前猛冲。When the company went under, tales of his extravagance surged through the industry.公司破产后,有关他铺张浪费的种种传闻传遍了整个行业。Row upon row of women surged forwards.一排排的女人涌上前去。Hope surged in Peter.希望在彼得心里涌动。Violence has surged in the Middle East.中东的暴力活动猛增。We all surged toward the door.我们都冲向了门口。The ship surged through the waves with the wind astern.船乘风破浪前进。A wave surged up towards them.一个浪头向他们涌来。




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