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词汇 surf
例句 Learning to surf is exhausting but exhilarating.学习冲浪使人疲累,但是非常刺激。We both ordered the surf and turf.我们俩都点了海鲜牛排套餐。They surf, ski and ride.他们冲浪,滑雪,还骑马。She likes to surf the Net. 她喜欢上网冲浪。He uses his mobile phone to surf online.他用手机上网。The children splashed around in the surf.孩子们在浪花中嬉戏。I learned to surf in Australia.我在澳大利亚学会了冲浪。We watched the children play in the surf.我们看着孩子们在碎浪中玩耍。We could hear the roar of the surf.我们能听到激浪拍岸的怒号。Thank you for your tip on how to surf the Internet.谢谢你教给我如何上网。He learned to surf when he was living in California.他住在加利福尼亚时学会了冲浪。No one knows how many people currently surf the Net.没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。The breakers rolled in and threw surf down on the sand.大浪滚滚涌来,在沙滩上激起浪花。We were almost deafened by the crash/roar of the surf.拍岸的涛声震耳欲聋。She was hit by a large wave and dumped while body-boarding in the surf.她在用卧式冲浪板冲浪时被一道巨浪撞上并扑倒。Holidaymakers continued to pour down to the coast in search of surf and sun.度假者不断涌至海边冲浪和享受阳光。We had sun, surf, cheap wine, and to cap it all a free car.我们有阳光、海浪、便宜的葡萄酒,最妙的是还有辆免费汽车。Walking in the surf, she had to roll her pants up to her knees.她走在海浪里,不得不把裤腿卷到膝盖处。I'm going to buy a surfboard and learn to surf.我要买一个冲浪板学习冲浪。




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