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词汇 summoned
例句 He was summoned to appear in court as a witness.他被传唤出庭作证。The Pope summoned his bishops to a council in Normandy.教皇把大主教召集到诺曼底开会。The queen summoned him back to the palace.女王召他回宫。He has been summoned to appear in court.他已被传唤出庭。He has been summoned to appear in court on charges of incitement to law-breaking.因被控教唆犯罪,他已经被传唤出庭。The boy summoned help.这男孩请求帮助。I was recently summoned for jury duty.我最近被召来做陪审员。He summoned up his courage and proposed to her.他鼓起勇气向她求婚。The police summoned a bomb squad to defuse the bomb.警方召来炸弹小组来拆除炸弹的引信。The President summoned all the state governors to a conference on education.总统召集各州州长对教育问题进行研讨。She summoned up all her pity for him, to smother her self-pity.她抑制着心中的自怜,将满腔的怜悯之情都倾注在了他的身上。Late last night, the French ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Office to discuss the crisis.昨晚深夜法国大使被外交部召见,商讨这起危机事宜。Ruth took a deep breath, summoned up her courage, and told him the truth.露丝深深吸了一口气,鼓起勇气,把真相告诉了他。She eventually summoned up the energy to cook dinner.她终于打起精神去做饭了。He summoned the waiter with a motion of his hand.他打了个手势,召唤侍者。He was summoned to Cuba to inquire into the death of a Russian official.他被召到古巴去调查一位俄罗斯官员的死因。She summoned up her courage and stepped in.她鼓起勇气走了进去。General Rattigan summoned reinforcements to help resist the attack.拉蒂根将军命令增援部队协助抵挡进攻。Visiting his old house summoned up memories of his childhood.拜访老家唤起了他童年的回忆。She went quiet for a moment while she summoned up the words to lash him.她沉默了一会儿,想着该用什么话来斥责他。He found/summoned the nerve to stand up to his boss.他鼓起勇气对抗老板。President Clinton summoned his top White House aides to discuss the crisis.克林顿总统召集白宫的高级助理来商讨这次危机。She was duly summoned for an interview.她获得正式通知去参加面试。He eventually summoned up the courage to ask Melanie out.他终于鼓起勇气约梅拉妮出去。He was summoned to attend an emergency meeting.他被召去参加一个紧急会议。The secretary informed me that I was summoned to the presence.秘书通知我,要召见我了。The President summoned all the state governors to a conference on education.总统召集各州州长召开了一次教育研讨会。He was summoned to a meeting with the head of the department.他被召去参加有部门负责人出席的会议。The smell summoned up memories of family holidays by the sea.这气味唤起了全家在海边度假的记忆。He was summoned to a meeting with the great man, in inverted commas.他被召唤去会见这位所谓的伟人。The doctor was summoned to his bedside.医生被叫到他的床边。He finally summoned up the courage to ask her out on a date.他终于鼓起勇气邀她出来约会。The president summoned a meeting/conference.总裁召集了会议。The Chief summoned me downstairs. He was brisk and businesslike.主管叫我到楼下。他做事干练、务实。He came downstairs and summoned her to his study.他下楼将她叫到书房去。He summoned his secretary.他召来了他的秘书。His mother summoned him, upbraided him, wept and prayed.他母亲把他叫到跟前训斥了一番,又哭哭啼啼地向上帝祷告。The doctor was summoned as a defence witness.这名医生被传唤到庭,充当辩方证人。A fire crew arrived, took one look, and summoned an ambulance.一组消防人员到达后,看了一眼,便叫了一辆救护车。He has been summoned from New York to give evidence at the trial.他被从纽约召来出庭作证。




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