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词汇 挂着
例句 A picture of their parents hangs over the bedroom door.卧室的门上挂着他们父母的一幅照片。There are two abstracts on the wall.墙上挂着两幅抽象派画。Assorted posters hung on the walls.墙上挂着各式各样的海报。She stood watching them with an amused expression on her face.她站着看他们,脸上挂着开心的表情。She always wears a small gold crucifix round her neck.她脖子上总是挂着一个小小的耶稣受难的金十字架。The room is hung with tapestries.房间里挂着花毯。Our home was a wooden stilt house, with hammocks strung out on the verandah.我们的家是一幢高脚木屋,阳台上挂着吊床。Family photographs were displayed on the wall.墙上挂着家人的照片。She always has a ready smile.她的脸上总是挂着微笑。His badge of office, a large gold key, hung around his neck.他脖子上挂着公职徽章 - 一把大金钥匙。On the wall is a large framed photograph.墙上挂着一张大幅的镶框照片。He has hard, cold eyes and his mouth is set in a perpetual sneer.他双眼又凶又冷,嘴角总是挂着一丝蔑笑。There were icicles hanging from the eaves.屋檐下挂着冰凌。The police are looking for a black car with German registration plates.警方正在寻找一辆挂着德国牌照的黑色轿车。There was a prominent display of her photographs in the living room.客厅里醒目地挂着她的照片。In the kitchen an impressive battery of stainless steel utensils hangs on the wall.厨房的墙面上挂着一套不锈钢炊具,非常显眼。There was a faint smile on her lips.她的嘴角挂着一丝微笑。On the opposite wall is a large tapestry.对面墙上挂着一块大壁毯。The room was hung round with portraits.室内四壁挂着肖像。There were smiles all round as he stood up to make his speech.他站起身来讲话时,大家脸上都挂着笑容。She wore a gold cross on a chain around her neck.她脖子上戴了项链,上面挂着金十字架。Diamonds and pearls dangled from her ears.她的耳朵上挂着很多钻石和珍珠。There was a moose head on the wall. Some wag had put a cigarette in its mouth.墙上挂着一个驼鹿头。某个爱搞笑的人在它的嘴里放了一支香烟。They were staunch British patriots and had portraits of the Queen in their flat.他们是英国坚定的爱国者,公寓里还挂着女王的肖像。The child's face was grimy and streaked with tears.那个孩子脸上满是污垢,还挂着道道泪痕。There was a smile on her lips.她唇边挂着微笑。His guitar was slung around his neck.他脖子上挂着把吉他。She's smiling her usual friendly smile.她脸上挂着她一贯的微笑。The walls on each side were draped in heavy, yellow satin.每一面墙上都挂着沉甸甸的打着褶的黄缎。His face wore a welcoming smile.他脸上挂着热情的微笑。From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.茅草屋顶的椽子上挂着几串干洋葱和蒜。After what seemed like hours he came out with a wry smile.好像过了好几个小时,他终于出来了,脸上挂着苦笑。He wore a chain of office around his neck.他脖子上挂着一条标志公职的项链。He wore a tarnished watch chain across his waistcoat.他的背心上挂着一条已经失去光泽的表链。Some of them carried pikes with shrivelled heads on top.他们中一些人手持枪尖上挂着皱缩人头的长矛。A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand.脸盆架上方用钉子挂着一面镜子。She always had the same unchanging expression on her face, whatever mood she was in.她不管是什么样的情绪,脸上总是挂着同样的一成不变的表情。From her welcoming smile he realized, with a sinking of the heart, that she'd been expecting someone else.她脸上挂着的欢迎笑容让他内心失落地意识到她是在等别人。On one wall of the entryway hangs a large oil painting, covered with grime.通道的一面墙上挂着一幅大型油画,画上布满了污垢。The store has racks of dresses.商店里挂着各式各样的衣服。




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