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词汇 summit
例句 Next day the EU summit strengthened their ultimatum.次日,欧盟峰会发出了更加强硬的最后通牒。NATO leaders are preparing for a summit conference to decide the future of the alliance.北约领导人正在筹办一次首脑会议,以决定这一联盟的未来。The summit leaders recognized that different countries would need to move at different speeds.参加峰会的领导人认识到,不同的国家需要以不同的速度发展。The President will meet other Pacific Rim leaders at next week's economic summit.总统将与其他的环太平洋地区国家领导人在下周的经济峰会上会晤。The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit.工作人员正紧张忙乱地为峰会做最后准备。By the time they reached the summit they were exhausted.他们登到山顶时,已经精疲力竭了。The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual summit meeting today.由主要工业国家组成的七国集团今天结束了其年度峰会。Snow gleamed on the summit of Mount Simon.西蒙山山顶白雪皑皑。A light mist thinly covered the summit.薄雾疏疏地挂在山尖上。The country was granted observer status at the summit.该国获得高峰会议的观察员身份。Tell us about your moment on the summit.说说你登上顶峰的那一刻,心里是怎么想的。As we approached the summit we were vouchsafed a rare vision.快到山顶时,我们有幸看到了难得一见的景象。The Queen hosted a dinner for leaders attending the European summit.女王设宴招待了参加欧洲峰会的各国首脑。The summit called for an end to the deadlock in the peace talks.峰会呼吁结束和谈僵局。Gaining the summit requires a scramble over loose rocks.到达山顶需要爬过一些疏松的岩石。The summit is a windswept plateau of scattered rocks.山顶暴风肆虐,碎石散布。Discord over agricultural policy threatens to overshadow the summit.农业政策上的分歧给这次峰会蒙上了阴影。A lot of agnosticism exists among the media with regards to the summit meeting between China and Taiwan.对于中台之间的高峰会,舆论存有许多的不可知论。The summit is a follow-on to last year's Economic Conference.这次首脑会晤是去年经济会议的后续活动。We reached the summit at last.我们终于到达了山顶。He has convoked a summit conference in Brussels.他在布鲁塞尔召集了一次峰会。Maroon Peak is the highest summit in its group.马伦峰是群峰中最高的。The group concluded its annual summit meeting today.今天该集团结束了其年度峰会。World leaders gathered in the Miyako Hotel to map out the agenda for next month's economic summit.大国首脑在宫古酒店聚会规划下个月的经济峰会事宜。I certainly haven't reached the summit of my career.当然,我还没有达到事业的巅峰。The summit highlighted the often hostile interplay between the two countries.这次峰会突现了两国惯常的相互敌对关系。The summit ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution.峰会结束时各方共同承诺要限制污染。It took the climbers four hours to reach the summit.攀登者花了四小时到达山顶。They were killed while attempting to reach the summit.他们在冲顶时丧生。The president stopped off in Poland on his way to Munich for the economic summit.总统在赴慕尼黑参加经济峰会的途中在波兰作了短暂停留。Military bandsmen played music from each country represented at the summit.军乐队演奏了峰会中各与会国的音乐。This was the first summit between the two countries in more than a decade.这是两国之间十多年来的第一次峰会。Egypt had agreed to a summit subject to certain conditions.埃及有条件地同意了一项峰会主题。The president is meeting world leaders at a summit next week.总统下周将在首脑会议上与世界各国领导人会谈。The press conjectured that a summit conference would take place.报界猜测将会召开最高级会议。An awful lot of advance preparation must have gone into this summit.这次峰会需要做大量的事先准备工作。Near the summit the trail flattens and passes through a cool forest.接近山顶时,小路变得平坦起来,穿过了一片阴凉的树林。He finally reached the summit of Qomolangma and secured his place in history.他终于登上了珠穆朗玛峰,名留青史。They camped a few hundred feet below the summit.他们在山峰下面几百英尺的地方扎了营。You can see the summit of the mountain ten miles away.你在十英里之外就能看到这山的山顶。




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