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词汇 suffering
例句 He is suffering from want of adequate sleep.他正在忍受睡眠不足的折磨。We were unable to ease their suffering.我们无法减轻他们的痛苦。Uniquely among the great world religions, Buddhism is rooted only in the universal experience of suffering known to all human beings.与世界其他主要宗教不同的是,佛教是唯一基于全人类所共知的苦难而产生发展起来的。Such a policy would inflict severe hardship and suffering.这样的政策会造成巨大的苦难。She was taken to the hospital suffering from acute appendicitis.她得了急性阑尾炎,被送到医院去了。I hoped that this might end my suffering.我希望这会结束我的苦痛。When the Red Sox won the World Series, their long-suffering fans could finally celebrate.当红袜队在世界系列赛上获胜时,他们压抑了许久的球迷终于可以庆祝一番了。Nobody can totally soothe his suffering.没有人能使他完全忘掉痛苦。They are suffering in hell for the bad deeds they did on earth.他们在尘世做了坏事,现正在地狱里受罪。The drugs are being used experimentally on patients suffering from breast cancer.这些药正试用于乳腺癌患者。The civilian population were suffering greatly at the hands of the security forces.在治安部队管辖下,平民吃了不少苦。The earthquake has caused massive damage and a great deal of human suffering.地震造成了大面积的破坏,给人们带来很大的痛苦。!He made no attempt to recompense for our suffering.他一点也不想补偿我们遭受的痛苦。Today we seem to value suffering and victimhood over old-fashioned notions of heroism.比起老式的英雄主义,我们今天似乎更加重视受苦受难。Her work brings her face to face with human suffering.她的工作使她不得不直接面对人类的苦难。The onset of the Depression meant starvation and suffering for millions of people.大萧条的开始意味着数百万人要挨饿受苦。He appeared to be suffering from a severe mental disorder and had served a term in prison.他看上去患有严重的精神疾病,而且坐过牢。His tale is one long whinge about his own suffering.他的故事是对自己遭遇的长篇诉说。Bates is believed to be suffering from a virus.据信贝茨患了一种病毒性疾病。Many children at the school were found to be suffering from inadequate nutrition.学校里很多孩子被发现营养不良。The coffee market is suffering from oversupply.咖啡市场正处在供过于求的状况。Gary decided to break his silence about his son's suffering.加里决定不再对儿子的遭遇保持沉默。Central Africa is suffering one of the worst droughts of the century.中非正遭遇到本世纪最严重的旱灾。She's suffering from severe depression.她患有严重的抑郁症。Our long-suffering mining communities deserve better than this.我们长期受苦受难的采矿群体应该得到比这更好的待遇。I was slowly becoming aware of how much Melissa was suffering.我渐渐明白了梅利莎的痛苦有多深。He was still suffering the debilitating effects of flu.流感还在削弱他的体力。He appeared to be suffering from a severe mental disorder.他看上去有严重的心理障碍。The UN needs to become more interventionist to prevent human rights abuses and suffering.联合国应该更多地进行干涉以阻止对人权的践踏和苦难的发生。She is intelligent and self-reliant, speaking her mind and not suffering fools gladly.她聪慧自立,大胆直言,对蠢人没有耐心。Stopping smoking can significantly reduce your risk of suffering a heart attack.戒烟能够大幅度减少患心脏病的危险。His face bears marks/signs of suffering.他脸上露出了痛苦的表情。She had been suffering from mysterious fits for five years before the doctors diagnosed epilepsy.她患有奇怪的痉挛五年后,被医生诊断为癫痫。She was taken to hospital suffering from shock.她因中风被送入医院。The country is still suffering from deep-seated economic problems.这个国家仍在遭受根深蒂固的经济问题的困扰。The kidnapping has caused the family months of heartbreak and suffering.绑架事件使这个家庭几个月都沉浸在伤心和痛苦中。The West has contributed to the immense amount of suffering in underdeveloped countries.西方世界给欠发达国家带来了巨大的痛苦。A national hotline has been set up for students suffering from stress.已经为那些受到压力困扰的学生们设立了一条全国热线。Singh told reporters that he had not seen such human suffering in any previous natural calamity.辛格对记者说,他以前所见的自然灾害都未有像这次那样给人类造成如此的灾难。The embargo has caused a lot of suffering to ordinary people.禁运给普通百姓造成了许多痛苦。




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