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词汇 Sue
例句 Sue considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked.休认为自己品行非常端正,因为她既不喝酒也不抽烟。Sue was a boarder at Benenden.苏是贝嫩登女校的一名寄宿生。Sue doesn't let her kids eat candy.休不让她的孩子吃糖。Sue's had a lot of problems with her neighbours recently.近来,休与邻居们磨擦不断。Tom and Sue were anxious to avoid any further confrontation.汤姆和休都急于避免进一步的冲突。Sue and John were especially thrilled with this award.休和约翰对于获得这个奖项感到兴奋不已。Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative, and passionate about politics.苏是家中的外向行动派,性格固执,能说会道,对政治非常热衷。Sue gave an exclamation as we got a clear sight of the house.我们看清那座房子时,休惊呼了一声。Sue failed her exam, so just to rub her nose in it, I put my certificate up on the wall.苏考试没有及格,所以我把自己的证书贴在墙上,就是为了让她难堪。Sue whistled softly to herself.休轻声地吹着口哨。Sue's just putting the finishing touches to her make-up.休化妆化得差不多了,正在做最后的修饰。Sue ripped his photo up into tiny bits.休把他的照片撕得粉碎。Jane sits at the middle desk, between Sue and Karen.简坐在中间的桌子旁,在苏和卡伦之间。Brad and Sue exchanged a kiss.布拉德和休互相吻了一下。If Sue gets a job, Mike will have to take up the slack at home.如果苏找到了工作,迈克将不得不接替她做家务。Sue's always had a laid-back attitude toward life.休对生活的态度一向悠然从容。His plan backfired when Sue discovered the hidden presents.当休发现隐藏的礼物时他的计划产生了适得其反的结果。Isn't it great that Will and Sue are getting married? I really think they are a perfect match.这太好了,威尔和休要结婚了。我真是觉得他们很般配。Sue opened the book and looked at the contents page.休打开书看目录页。Sue felt exhausted and emotionally drained.休感到筋疲力尽,心如枯井。Sue let out a strangled cry of shock.苏震惊得哽咽起来。Sue got back into bed and pulled the quilt over her head.休回到床上,拉过被子蒙住头。Sue was cited in the divorce proceedings.休在这场离婚诉讼案中被传唤出庭。He is survived by his wife, Sue.他没他妻子休活得长。Sue spread out her notes on the kitchen table and began to write.苏把笔记本摊开放在厨房桌子上,开始写了起来。Sue never carried anything other than the teeniest purse.休从来都只带着一只小钱包。I sat down between Sue and Jane.我在休和简中间坐了下来。Anyone who has been in a troubled relationship will sympathise with Sue那些曾经恋爱不顺利的人都会同情休。Come on, Sue, that was two years ago.别瞎说了,休,那是两年前的事了。Sue was coming around, but she still felt dizzy.她渐渐醒过来了,但仍觉得头晕。Morning, Sue! How are you today?苏,早上好!你今天好吗?It's almost a year since Sue died.休去世快一年了。Sue was wearing jeans and an old blue jacket.休穿着牛仔裤和一件蓝色的旧夹克。The women's race was won by the American, Patti Sue Plumer.女子赛跑的冠军被美国人帕蒂·休·普卢默夺得。Sue was fussy about her looks.休对自己的外表很挑剔。Sue had dressed herself neatly for work.休穿戴整洁地上班去了。I hadn't known that Sue would be false to him.我不知道休会对他不忠。Sue got a sympathetic round of applause.休得到了一片赞成的掌声。Sue threaded the glass beads onto a piece of heavy string.休把玻璃珠穿到一根粗粗的线上。Sue has blonde streaks in her hair.休的头发里夹杂着几缕金发。




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