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词汇 styling
例句 His suit showed Western styling but was sloppily worn.他这套衣服是西方款式的,但已邋遢破旧。Don't gunk up your hair with a lot of styling products.别抹这么多定型发胶把头发弄得油乎乎的。The car neatly blends classic styling into a smooth modern package.这款汽车巧妙地将经典式样融入到流线型的现代设计中。Ken uses the very best styling products for Jessica's fine hair.肯用最好的定型液为杰茜卡的秀发做造型。I use a styling gel to give texture to my hair.我用发胶给头发定型。She sleeked back her hair with some styling gel.她用某种发胶把头发往后梳得油光发亮。I like the new Audi in terms of styling.说到款式,我喜欢新款的奥迪车。The styling pack includes alloy wheels and front foglamps.这一款式包括合金轮毂和前雾灯。The car, with its sleek futuristic styling, certainly looks impressive.这辆汽车优美圆润的未来派风格给人印象十分深刻。Its styling isn't derivative of any other car currently on the market.这一款式并未借鉴目前市场上其他车型的设计。




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