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词汇 stumbled
例句 He nearly stumbled in his hurry to get away.他匆忙离开时差点绊倒。She stumbled along, keeping her eyes peeled for a phone box.她一边跌跌撞撞地往前走,一边留意找公用电话亭。Some people believe that Jenkins was murdered by government agents because he stumbled across a military secret.有些人认为詹金斯是被政府特工谋杀的,因为他无意间发现了一项军事机密。He claims he stumbled into acting.他声称自己是偶然进入演艺行业的。Cheryl's horse stumbled, throwing her to the ground.谢里尔的马绊了一下,把她摔在地上。He stumbled and lay prostrate on the floor.他给绊了一下,趴倒在地板上。She stumbled and fell, scraping her knees.她绊了一跤,把膝盖擦伤了。In her hurry, Eva stumbled and dropped the tray she was carrying.伊娃于匆忙间绊了一下,手中的托盘也掉到地上。Guess who I stumbled across yesterday?你猜我昨天碰到谁了? Kip stumbled backwards and forwards before falling down.基普前后摇晃了几下,摔倒了。In the final straight Meyers stumbled, and although he didn't fall it was enough to lose him first place.迈耶斯在最后的直道上绊了一下,虽然没有摔倒,但也足以使他丢掉第一的位置。The child started wailing after she stumbled and fell.孩子绊了一下摔倒后开始大哭起来。I stumbled through mud to a yard strewn with straw.我跌跌撞撞地趟过泥地来到一个堆满麦秆的场院。I felt the call of nature and so I stumbled down the external staircase to the evil-smelling loo.我感到内急,于是就踉踉跄跄地从外面的楼梯跑到臭气熏天的厕所。He stumbled drunkenly across the room.他喝醉了,跌跌撞撞地走过房间。The horse stumbled and threw its rider.马绊了一下,把背上的骑手摔了出去。He stumbled to the window to get fresh air.他蹒跚地走到窗前呼吸新鲜空气。The room was dark, and Stan nearly fell over a chair as he stumbled to the phone.房间里很黑,斯坦跌跌撞撞地走向电话,差点被一把椅子绊倒。I stumbled from the room dazed and confused, completely disoriented by what had just happened.我从房间跌跌撞撞地走出来,恍惚而又疑惑,刚才的一切让我晕头转向。Wherever I went, I stumbled upon people talking about the issue.我走到哪儿都听见人们在谈论这件事。A journalist finally stumbled on the truth.一位新闻记者最终在无意间发现了真相。He stumbled and fell his length on the ground.他绊了一下,整个身子跌倒在地。I stumbled backward, crashing onto the floor.我往后一绊,蓦地跌倒在地板上。He stumbled forward and the case fell to the ground.他向前趔趄几步,箱子摔到了地上。The train stopped, and several passengers stumbled to their feet.火车停了,几名乘客摇摇晃晃地地站起身来。He had stumbled down and torn the skin from his knees.他绊倒在地,膝盖上蹭破了皮。She stumbled around in a drug-induced haze.吸毒之后,她迷糊了,走路跌跌撞撞。We stumbled onto/across the ruins of an old fort.我们无意中发现了一处旧堡垒的废墟。The officers stumbled across the drugs when they stopped Moyers for a routine traffic violation.警官在莫耶斯普通交通违章将其拦下后无意中发现了毒品。He stumbled out of the bar to look for a cab.他踉跄走出酒吧,寻找出租车。In a moment he stumbled into a trap, set by bear-catchers.不一会儿他绊跌到捕熊人设的陷阱里。She caught the child up in her arms when he stumbled on a stone.孩子在石头上绊了一脚,她急忙把他抱了起来。Fleming was carrying out other research when he stumbled on penicillin.弗莱明在进行其他研究时无意间发现了盘尼西林。The economy has stumbled in recent months.最近几个月经济下滑了。He drank freely of rum. The poison had taken effect, and he stumbled.他狂饮朗姆酒。酒性发作,他步履踉跄。He stumbled over the edge of the carpet and fell.他在地毯边绊了一下,跌倒了。He stumbled onto the truth.他无意中发现了真相。They stumbled on/upon a bizarre plot.他们偶然发现了一个离奇的情节。An officer stumbled and clutched at the handrail.一个官员绊了一下,赶忙去抓扶手。He stumbled upstairs and into bed.他踉踉跄跄地走上楼倒在床上。




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