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词汇 stuff with
例句 As a starter, we had delicious juicy tomatoes stuffed with rice.我们第一道菜吃了一个美味多汁的番茄酿饭。This film is stuffed with blood and murder.这部影片中充斥着暴力和凶杀。The toys are stuffed with a cottony material.这些玩具里塞的是像棉花一样的东西。The chicken was stuffed with sage and onion.鸡肉里塞有撒尔维亚干叶和洋葱作填料。The rooms are stuffed with antiques.房间里堆满了古玩。Today's children have been stuffed with pap from the television.今天的孩子不怎么读书,他们脑袋里充满了从电视中看来的那些无聊的东西。The file was stuffed with notes and odd bits of paper.文件夹里塞满了便条和各种各样的纸片。He pulled out a fat wallet stuffed with banknotes.他掏出一个鼓鼓囊囊塞满了纸币的钱包来。The book is stuffed with information.这书里满是信息。The chicken breast was stuffed with a melange of sausage and smoked ham.鸡胸里填着混杂在一起的香肠和熏火腿。He showed off a CD wallet stuffed with CDs.他炫耀了一番装满光盘的光盘包。His mouth was stuffed with food.他的嘴里被食物塞得满满的。The Moscow shops are stuffed with luxury goods.莫斯科的店铺里满是奢侈品。He pulled out a big, fat wallet stuffed with bank notes.他掏出一个塞满钞票的鼓鼓囊囊的大钱包。When the place is stuffed with semi-nude tourists, it must become an inferno.如果这个地方挤满了半裸的游客,那肯定很恐怖。He wanted to do some fancy stuff with drum machines.他想用电子鼓来作些高技巧性的表演。Every nook and cranny of the house was stuffed with souvenirs of their trips abroad.房间到处都塞满了他们出国旅行带回来的纪念品。Every room must have been stuffed with material things.每个房间肯定都塞满了东西。The girls each had a small backpack stuffed with books, cards, crayons, paper, and games.这些女孩每个人都有一个小背包,里面塞满了书、卡片、彩色蜡笔、纸和游戏用具。




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