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词汇 students
例句 The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.这门课程适合于初学者和高级学习者。The students were required to diagram a sentence.要求学生们用示意图分析句子。At the start of each school year, we renew our commitment to helping students succeed.每个学年初,我们都再次承诺要帮助学生成功。The students’ goals in the protest seem so reasonable that the university is setting up a committee to consider them.这次抗议活动中学生提出的要求很合情合理,因此大学成立了一个委员会加以考虑。The new students were told that they must register with the University before they could claim their grants.有人告诉新生说必须向大学注册了才可以申请助学金。The students did a slick job of promoting the concert.学生们为推介这场音乐会干得很棒。Many students are also keeping fit through jogging, aerobics, weight training, and the like.很多学生还通过慢跑、有氧体操、负重训练等方式来健身。The students massed in Paris.学生聚集在巴黎。She was constantly harassed by the other students.她不断受到其他学生的打扰。The students were eager to express their opinions.学生们迫不及待要发表自己的意见。The professor carried his students along with his lecture.教授的讲课吸引住了他的学生。He felt the students had been victimized because they'd voiced opposition to the government.他觉得学生们受到迫害是因为他们表达了对政府的不满。He wrote the word on the board and some of the students automatically wrote it down in their notebooks.他把这个词写在黑板上,有些学生随手把它抄在笔记本上。Most students choose one particular area for research.大多数学生选取一个特定领域进行研究。Foreign students often experience culture shock when they first come to the U.S.外国学生初到美国时,通常都会感受到文化冲击。How many of your students have a computer?你的学生中有多少人有电脑?She turns her students' attention outward by making them aware of different cultures.她让学生了解不同的文化,使他们关注自身之外的世界。Some students enter other professions such as arts administration.有些学生加入了其他行业,例如艺术管理。The university has a large number of overseas students.这所大学有大量的留学生。I hope the book will provide a foothold for students of the subject.我希望这本书能让本专业的学生打下基础。Most of these students intend to continue their education at university.这些学生中大部分打算上大学继续学业。The school is maxed out with students. 这所学校招生已满。By the end of the course, students should be equipped to deal with any business situation.课程结束时,学生们对生意上的任何场面应该都能应付。He felt a deep kinship with the other students.他感受到与其他学生之间的那份深情厚谊。He's a teacher who expects hard work from his students.他是位要求学生努力学习的老师。One of the students laughed/snorted in derision at my error.其中一个学生嗤笑我的错误。The teacher enlisted/sought the aid of several students for the project. 老师请几个学生来帮忙完成这个项目。Most first-year students live in the halls of residence.大多数一年级新生都住学生宿舍。The authorities were not sympathetic to the students' demands, neither would they tolerate any disruption.当局既不支持学生们的要求,也不会容忍任何混乱发生。By the end of the semester about half of the students had dropped out.到了学期末,约有半数学生退学了。I'm making my students keep blogs this semester.这学期我让我的学生写网络日志。Teachers tend to be partial towards students with good scores.老师往往容易偏袒成绩优良的学生。Some of the students are highly cooperative and attentive, but unfortunately, most aren't.有些学生很合作,很用心,但遗憾的是大部分都不是这样。The students were hoist by their own petards, however, as Granada decided to transmit the programme anyway.不过,学生们聪明反被聪明误,格拉纳达最终还是决定要转播这个节目。All students are encouraged to take part in a sport.鼓励所有的学生都要参加一项体育运动。The union holds debates for students.协会举办了学生辩论会。We asked a local artist to come and show her work to the students.我们请来一位本地画家,将她的作品展示给学生看。Several students raised their hands to answer the question.好几个学生举手回答这个问题。Some students offered to remain behind to help clear up after the meeting.有几名学生表示愿意在散会以后留下来帮助打扫。In autumn/fall, thousands of students descend on/upon our town.秋季,数以千计的学生到我们镇上来游览。




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