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词汇 stronger
例句 The builder added supports to make the walls stronger.建造者增加了支撑物,加固墙体。The politicians say that a stronger economy is just around the corner. 政治家说经济很快就会有更为强劲的表现。The cloud of dust and debris was getting bigger and bigger as the wind grew stronger.随着风势增强,那团尘土碎屑也在变得越来越大。He was killed because he ignored a warning to put stronger cords on his parachute.他忽视了降落伞上要求使用更结实的绳索的警告信息,因而命丧黄泉。It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger economy.我们相信卫生保健的改善能促进经济的发展。Someone with fair skin like you should probably use a stronger sunscreen.皮肤像你那样白的人应该用更强效的防晒霜。The troops were overpowered by the stronger enemy forces.部队被实力更为强大的敌人打败了。She successfully defended herself against an attack from someone larger and stronger.她成功地抵御了比她强壮的人的攻击。Anti-war feeling grew stronger in the US as the Vietnam conflict went on.随着越战的持续,美国的反战情绪日益高涨。They put up a poor show against the stronger team.他们在与强队的比赛中表现很差。She's been doing exercises to become stronger and more flexible.她一直勤于锻炼,以使身体更加结实和柔韧。My disgust at what he had said grew stronger all the time.我对他说的话越来越反感了。The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy.这支军队打败了强得多的敌人,赢得奇迹般的胜利。His voice was getting stronger every minute.他的声音越来越高亢。Exports rose, implying that the economy was stronger.出口增长了,这说明经济更加强健了。Sterling has once again become one of the stronger currencies.英镑又一次成了较为坚挺的货币之一。The team is stronger now they've included Roscoe.罗斯科加入后,现在队伍的实力更强了。Churchill was a much stronger leader than the man who came before him.作为领导人,丘吉尔要比他的前任强得多。His voice became stronger.他的嗓音越来越高。The bond between the mother country and her former colonies grew stronger.母国和她以前的殖民地之间的关系更紧密了。If it comes to war, NATO forces will be stronger in the air.如果发生战争,北约的空中力量会更强大。He felt overmatched against fitter , stronger players.与体格更强健的运动员相比,他感到相形见绌。It was on television that he made an even stronger impact as an interviewer.作为采访者,是电视让他产生了更大的影响。We beat a team that was much stronger than ourselves.我们打败了一支远比我们强大的球队。At the risk of repeating an old cliché, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.恕我老调重弹,杀不死你的,反而会使你更加坚强。The dollar has been stronger of late.美元近来走势强劲。The real picture is more horrific and stronger but one must conjure up all the associative thoughts and emotions it evokes.真实的画面更恐怖也更震撼,但是它带来的种种感受和情绪需要你自己去联想。The company needs to develop a stronger orientation towards marketing its products.公司需要针对其产品的营销订立一个更为明确的目标。The stronger U.S. dollar depressed sales.美元走强导致销售额下降。Since the accident, the ties between father and son have grown even stronger.事故发生以后,父子之间的关系更加紧密了。The stronger US dollar depressed sales.美元走强导致销售额下降。Overall, our position is stronger than it was last year.总的说来,我们的地位比去年更为稳固。Nylon is considerably stronger than cotton.尼龙比棉线要结实得多。For him this is a no-lose campaign - he will become either vice president-elect or a much stronger presidential contender for the next election.不论结果如何,他都是这次竞选的赢家——要么当选副总统,要么将成为下届总统选举中更强劲的竞争者。With each passing day she grew stronger.她一天比一天强壮起来。The uniting influence was stronger than the separative one.统一的势力大于分裂的势力。A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.他们担心一个更加强大的欧洲议会只会增强大国的力量。She sensed an evil presence, and it was growing stronger.她感觉到有某种邪恶的东西,而且这种感觉越来越强烈。You have an advantage over her, because you are stronger.你比她有优势,因为你更强壮。The Egyptian team relied on the element of surprise to defeat their stronger opponents.埃及队凭借出奇制胜的战术去打败强于他们的对手。




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