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词汇 stripes
例句 He was wearing a white shirt with blue stripes.他穿着一件带蓝色条纹的白衬衫。The insect's body is black with yellow longitudinal stripes.这种昆虫的身体是黑色的,带有黄色的纵向条纹。She wore a dress with bold stripes.她穿了一条有着醒目条纹的连衣裙。Zebra is a wild African horse with black-and-white stripes.斑马是一种身上有黑白条纹的非洲野马。I prefer solid colors like blue or green instead of plaids and stripes.与彩格和条纹相比,我更喜欢纯蓝色或纯绿色。The blanket is covered with diagonal stripes.毯子上布满了斜条纹。The wallpaper has a regular pattern of stripes.这款壁纸有规则的条纹图案。He finally got his sergeant's stripes.他终于得到了军士军衔。He was wearing a grey suit with narrow blue stripes.他穿了一套带有蓝色细条的灰色衣服。The flag's stripes are wavy and alternate in color.那面旗帜上的条纹呈波浪形并有几种颜色相间。Politicians of all stripes complained about the plan.形形色色的政客都抱怨这项计划。He appeared in court in his convict's stripes.他穿着犯人的条纹囚服出庭。White stripes are drawn at the pedestrian's street crossings.街道的人行横道画上了白色的线条。The wallpaper has vertical pink and white stripes.墙纸上是粉红和白色相间的垂直条纹。She was very proud when at last he received his stripes.当他终于获得军士衔时,她感到非常自豪。Patterns like stripes or spots can help to camouflage an animal.条纹和斑点一类的图案可以帮助动物伪装自己。How many stripes are there on the sleeve of a sergeant?中士军服袖上有几条袖条?A sergeant has three stripes.陆军中士军服上有三条袖纹。They spotted game in vans painted with leopard spots and zebra stripes.他们在涂有豹斑和斑马条纹的货车内发现了猎物。Styles include stripes and checks.款式包括条纹的和格子的。The American flag has red and white stripes.美国国旗上有红色和白色的条纹。A zebra is a black animal with white stripes.斑马是一种身上有黑白条纹的动物。The zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes.斑马是一种身体上有黑白条纹的非洲野马。He'd lost his stripes for slovenliness and cheek.他因散漫、无礼而丢了军职。A zebra has black stripes.斑马有黑色的条纹。The entire body of a zebra is marked with black and whitish stripes.斑马的全身都有黑白条纹。The flag's five orange stripes stand out against a silver background.旗帜上的五条橙色线条在银色的底色衬托下非常显眼。White stripes on the cuff are the seamen's insignia of rating.袖口上的白色条纹是水兵的军阶识别符号。She opened the tie box and looked at her purchase. It was silk, with maroon stripes.她打开领带盒,看着她买回的东西:一条带有褐红色条纹的丝制领带。The animal's tail has clearly marked stripes.这只动物的尾巴上有明显的斑纹。There is an alternation of black and white stripes in that cloth.那匹布黑白条纹相间。The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks, stripes, diagonals and triangles.床单有漂亮的方格形、条纹、斜纹和三角形图案。The walls in the front bedroom are painted with broad, pale blue and white stripes.前卧室的墙壁被漆成淡蓝色和白色相间的宽条纹。She has yet to earn her stripes as a reporter.作为记者,她还有待得到同行们的认可。Styles include stripes and checks.式样包括条纹和格子图案。There are a couple of fish with blue markings, and a few more with gold stripes down the side.这有几条带蓝色斑点的鱼,那边还有几条带金色条纹的。The stripes on her uniform proclaimed her seniority.制服上的条纹表明了她的级别很高。The shirt has alternating red and yellow stripes.这件衬衫有红黄相间的条纹。If anything goes flooey, it'll mean my stripes.要是出了什么岔子,我就要挨揍。Tigers have orange fur with black stripes.老虎有带黑色条纹的橘黄色毛皮。




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