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例句 You must have at least one year's driving experience.你必须具有至少一年的驾驶经验。We have at last awoken Mary to the fact that there’s no easy way to success.我们终于使玛丽认识到成功没有捷径。Price falls have at least decelerated as demand has heightened.由于需求增加,价格下跌至少会放慢速度。All of these industries have at one time or another been linked to cancer.所有这些产业都曾在不同时期与癌症有过联系。The criticisms have at least an element of truth and validity.那些批评至少有一丝真实性和合理性。Aim to have at least half a pint of milk each day.目标是每天至少喝半品脱牛奶。She always managed to have at least two boyfriends and used to play them off against each other.她总是设法同时与至少两个男友交往,并挑拨他们相互争斗。You'd have at him, let him know who you were.你得对付一下那小子,也好让他知道你的厉害。I have at last secured a house.我终于弄到一所房子了。After their long argument the two brothers have at last buried the hatchet.长期争吵之后,兄弟俩终于和解了。After their long argument the two brothers have at last buried the tomahawk.兄弟俩经长期争论之后终于言归于好了。I throw a lot of pool parties here for the simple reason that there's more pool space than I have at my own house.我在这儿举办了多场泳池派对,完全是因为这里泳池的空间比我家里的大。We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present.我们现在的生活状况跟蹲监狱差不了多少。I think the reformers have at times oversold the reforms.我认为改革者有时过分吹嘘了改革的好处。Large stores have at last cottoned on to the fact that mothers with pushchairs can't cope with stairs.大商店终于认识到,手推婴儿车的妈妈们没法上下楼梯。Well, he could have at least apologized.嗯,他至少应该道歉。After their long argument they have at last buried the hatchet.经过长时间的争论,他们终于停止了论战。Applicants for teacher-training courses need to have at least one year's experience.申请参加教师培训课程的人必须具备至少一年以上的工作经验。Most words that are made up of more than one syllable have at least one stressed syllable and one unstressed syllable.绝大部分有两个以上音节的单词都有至少一个重读音节和一个非重读音节。A growing number of households have at least one computer.越来越多的家庭拥有至少一台计算机。He could have at least paid for dessert!他至少该把甜点钱付了嘛!The criticisms have at least an element of truth.这些批评至少有那么点事实依据。The terrorists have at last agreed to free the hostages.恐怖分子终于同意释放人质。The person hired for this position should have at least a working knowledge of German. 这个职位的受聘者应至少具备起码的德语能力。I don't know how difficult the task is, but I like to have at it.我不知道完成这项任务究竟有多大困难,但我还是要试一下。Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.管理者们终于意识到自己不能再安于低效率的运营了。Students taking this course need to have at least an outline knowledge of computing.修这门课的学生至少得对电脑操作有个大概的了解。Candidates must have at least an upper second class honours degree.申请者必须至少拥有二级甲等荣誉学位。We will have at any rate in our cathedral a decent, godly, modest morning service.在咱们的大教堂里,至少要有一种体面的,神圣的,朴实的早礼拜式。The floodwaters have at last started to recede.洪水终于开始消退。




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