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词汇 折扣
例句 The company is offering discount to its valued customers.公司给重要的客户提供折扣She purchased her tickets at a substantial discount.她以超低折扣买到了票。Employees of American Airlines get generous reductions on the cost of flights.美国航空的雇员享有很大的机票折扣Many airlines now offer substantial discounts in an effort to remain competitive.许多航空公司为了保持竞争力而提供相当大的折扣The store offers a two percent discount when customers pay in cash.顾客以现金支付时,商店可给予百分之二的折扣Frequent guests receive a discount.常客享受折扣The discount is a third to a half of the full price.折扣是全价的三分之一到一半。Much of what he says must be discounted.对他说的好些话必须打个折扣The company has gone its competitors one better by offering new customers a special discount.这家公司以给新用户特别折扣的方式超过了竞争对手。Many car dealers offer a generous trade-in allowance.许多汽车经销商为以旧换新交易提供优厚的折扣Being a member entitles you to discounts on tickets.会员买票可享折扣优惠。I always keep my eyes open for discounts and special offers.我一直留意折扣和特价商品。We've put together what we think is a very attractive package, including discounts, special offers, and free credit.我们设计了一套非常有吸引力的优惠计划,包括折扣、特价和免息贷款。That store makes an allowance of 10% for cash payment.那家商店给付现金的顾客打百分之十折扣A generous discount is the chief selling point of the book club.那家购书会主要的卖点是书价折扣大。Students and pensioners are entitled to a discount.学生和退休人员可享受折扣They gave me a really good deal on my camera.我买照相机时他们给我很合算的折扣You must discount much of what he says.他说的好些话,你必须打个折扣听。Take what he says cum grano salis.对他的话要打个折扣去听。Discounts are available to people travelling in large groups.多人组团旅游享有折扣Most airlines offer reduced prices for children.大多数航空公司都为儿童提供折扣票价。The report of the investigation had been watered down.调查报告已经打过折扣了。The discount balances out the shipping charge. = The discount and the shipping charge balance each other out. 折扣与运费相抵。Don't miss out on our latest offer.不要错过我们的最新折扣It's a shop selling discounted lines and seconds.这是一家卖折扣货和次品的商店。Their general practice in such cases is to offer a deal. = As a general rule, they offer a deal in such cases. 在这种情况下,他们通常的做法是给个折扣There will be discounts available for students as usual.学生照例会有折扣There is a discount for goods bought in quantity.批量购买商品可以享受折扣Trade and product discounts can also mean big savings.商品促销与产品折扣同样意味着可能会省下一大笔钱。Motorists could lose their no-claims discount, even if they are not at fault in an accident.即便驾驶员在事故中没有过错,他们也可能失去无索赔折扣Passengers get money-off deals on future cruises.旅客未来在购买游轮假期时会有折扣Cruises other than the ones listed below are not discounted at this time.除了下面列出的乘船游览项目以外,其他项目没有折扣Can you give me a break on the price? = Can I get a break on the price? 你能给我打个折扣吗?There are often discounts available for midweek travel.在一周中间旅行常常有折扣A rebate is distinguished from a discount in that the former is not taken out or deducted in advance but is handed back after payment of the full amount.部分退款与折扣有别,区别在于前者并非先行扣除而是在全数付清后退还。Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty.交易折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争手段。Attractive discounts are available to frequent travellers.常旅客可以享受诱人的折扣Account holders with the bank qualify for a discount on loans.在该银行开户的人贷款可以享受折扣These discounts are valid for travel within the continental United States.这些折扣对美国大陆内的旅行有效。He got an extra punch on his discount card.他的折扣卡上又多了个孔。




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