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词汇 jewellery
例句 She had all her jewellery stolen.她所有的首饰都被偷了。A company from Darlington has just launched its latest range of fashion jewellery.来自达灵顿的一家公司最近刚刚推出了他们最新的时尚珠宝系列。If you're going for full-on glamour, add some sparkly jewellery.如果你想要显得光彩照人,那就加一些闪光的首饰。I asked him if he would have my jewellery valued for insurance purposes.我问他能否给我的珠宝进行保险估价。The piece of jewellery was without price.那件首饰是无价之宝。Over £60,000 worth of jewellery has been stolen by an armed gang in north London.在伦敦北部,价值六万多英镑的珠宝被一伙武装匪徒抢劫。She smelled of cheap perfume and wore gaudy clothing and fake costume jewellery.她身上有廉价香水的味道,穿着俗艳的衣服,戴着仿真首饰。The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.这个团伙最后带着大量的现金和珠宝逃走了。She's got some lovely pieces of jewellery.她有几款漂亮的珠宝首饰。The dress is simple and elegant, but you could vamp it up for evening wear with some stunning jewellery.这条裙子简洁大方,不过你可以配上精美的首饰作晚装穿,会使人眼前一亮。They walked off with a million pounds' worth of jewellery under the very noses of the security guards.他们携带着价值百万英镑的珠宝,就从保安人员眼皮底下溜走了。She told the police about the loss of her jewellery.她向警方报告自己失落珠宝的事。Police say money and jewellery were taken in the raid.警方说钱和珠宝都在这次抢劫中被抢走了。Apparently the jewellery wasn't insured.那些珠宝似乎没有投保。It's a rare piece of jewellery, but I wouldn't like to put a value on it.这是一件非常稀有的珠宝,但我不愿估量其价值。The burglars have been arrested but the jewellery is still missing.盗贼已被捕,但珠宝仍下落不明。She wore discreet jewellery.她戴着素净的首饰。Baroque pearls were popular in French Art Nouveau jewellery.法国新艺术风格的珠宝首饰中,形状不规整的珍珠曾流行一时。The Scottish Craft Centre has a fascinating range of pottery, jewellery and textiles for sale.苏格兰手工艺品中心出售各式各样的极有趣的陶器、珠宝和纺织品。This finery always remained her favourite jewellery.这颗华贵的宝石一直是她特别喜爱的珠宝饰物。I'm going to buy some jewellery off Jane.我打算向简买点珠宝。Coral is often used for making jewellery.珊瑚常用来制作首饰。Some of her jewellery was still missing.她的部分珠宝仍然下落不明。Thieves are digging up corpses in order to steal jewellery and gold teeth.窃贼们把尸体挖出来以盗取珠宝和金牙。I spend a lot on expensive jewellery.我花很多钱买昂贵的珠宝。The jewellery turned out to be completely worthless.这些珠宝最终变得一文不值。He was always buying her cheap jewellery.他总是给她买劣质的珠宝。Stephanie took up making jewellery after leaving art college this summer.斯蒂芬妮今年夏天离开艺术学院后开始从事珠宝制作。When I was travelling, I always carried my jewellery in a little pouch.旅行时,我总是把首饰放在一个小袋子里。The burglars took our TV and stereo, but they didn't find the jewellery.小偷拿走了我们的电视机和音响,但是他们没有发现珠宝。She was wearing a single piece of jewellery.她只戴了一件首饰。A lot of the gold was melted down and used for making jewellery.许许多多的黄金被熔化后用来制作首饰。Was your jewellery insured?你的珠宝上保险了吗?We're not allowed to wear jewellery at school.校规不允许我们在学校里戴首饰。Eva was very fond of jewellery, with the exception of agates.伊娃很喜欢珠宝,但玛瑙除外。Her jewellery is securely under lock and key at the bank.她的珠宝全都安全地存放在银行里了。Of all items pawned, jewellery is the most common.在所有的抵押品中最常见的是珠宝。My mother very rarely wears jewellery.我母亲很少佩戴珠宝首饰。Sequined evening bags, chiffon scarves, and fashion jewellery are in vogue.带亮片的晚装包、雪纺绸围巾和时髦珠宝现在很流行。You can borrow money from the bank against your jewellery.你可以用珠宝手饰作抵押向银行借款。




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