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词汇 strangled
例句 She let out a strangled cry/sob.她大喊/啜泣了一声便哽住了。He was strangled with a scarf.他被人用围巾勒死了。His creative drive has been strangled by his sense of political guilt.他的创造欲望已被他的政治负罪感扼杀了。The victim had marks on his neck which seemed to suggest he had been strangled.死者的脖子上留有印迹,这似乎显示出他是被掐死的。Sebastian heard a strangled scream.塞巴斯蒂安听到一声突然顿住的尖叫声。Creativity is being strangled by financial pressures.创造力被经济上的重重压力抑制住了。The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him.骨头鲠住了他的喉咙,使他透不过气儿来。He was almost strangled by his parachute harness straps.他差点被自己的降落伞吊带勒死。The autopsy showed that she had been strangled.验尸报告显示她是被勒死的。For years, the organization was strangled by excessive bureaucracy.该机构多年来因官僚主义作风严重,发展受到阻滞。The victim had been strangled with a belt.受害者是被人用皮带勒死的。Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands.她父亲的脸突然僵硬了,仿佛是被无形的双手扼住了脖子。He spoke in a strangled voice.他哽塞地说道。I had a nightmare about being strangled.我做了个被人掐死的恶梦。A post-mortem on the body revealed that the victim had been strangled.验尸表明被害人是被掐死的。Sue let out a strangled cry of shock.苏震惊得哽咽起来。Police said that the victim had been strangled.警方说被害人是被勒死的。The police believe Morgan strangled his girlfriend in a fit of jealousy.警方认为摩根因一时妒忌扼死了自己的女友。He became entangled in some ropes and was strangled.他被几根绳子缠住后勒死了。The plan should have been strangled at birth.这个计划应该在早期就被终止。Had he listened, parliamentary democracy might have been strangled at birth.如果他听信了这些话,议会民主可能早就被扼杀在摇篮中了。She had been strangled with her own scarf and her body dumped in the woods.她被人用她自己的围巾勒死,弃尸于树林里。This project should have been strangled at birth.这个项目早该被扼杀在摇篮里。




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