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词汇 to be caught
例句 The Fawcett brothers were too wily to be caught, and the local residents could get no help from the law.福西特兄弟非常狡猾无法抓捕,当地居民得不到警察的帮助。If there were serious problems between Rosie and Mike, the last thing she wanted was to be caught in the middle.如果罗茜和迈克之间出现严重问题,她最不希望的就是被夹在中间。The French soldiers had the misfortune to be caught in the crossfire.交火时那些法国士兵不幸遭到了射击。They were unlucky enough to be caught in the storm.他们不幸遇到了暴风雨。He felt very small to be caught cheating.被发现作弊,他感到羞愧不已。He did not like to be caught out on details.他不喜欢在细节上被人抓住把柄。She made an emotional plea for her daughter's killer to be caught.她情绪激动地恳求要抓获杀害她女儿的凶手。I didn't want to be caught by the storm in the middle of nowhere.我不想在一片荒芜的原野遇上风暴。He's not the first politician to be caught with his pants down, and he won't be the last.他不是第一个遇到这种尴尬的政客,也不会是最后一个。Nowadays, no company can afford to be caught napping by a technological development.如今没有哪家公司能承受因技术发展带来的令人措手不及的后果。He doesn't like to be caught without any biscuits in the house.他喜欢家里备些饼干。




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