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例句 Sheila marched straight into the office and demanded an apology.希拉直接冲进办公室,要求道歉。The shelf isn't straight - it sags in the middle.架子不平——中间陷下去了。I think he was pretty straight with me.我觉得他对我颇为坦诚。She's decided to write her memoirs to set the record straight once and for all.她决定撰写回忆录以彻底澄清事实。First, draw two straight lines across the page using a ruler.首先,用尺在这一页上画两条横的直线。A straight line is the shortest distance between 2 points.直线为两点之间的最短距离。There is no humbug about her, she speaks her mind straight out.她为人毫不虚伪,心里怎么想就怎么说。You must have been scared stiff when you saw the car coming straight towards you.你看到汽车一直朝你开来,一定是吓呆了。I told him straight out that his work was not good enough.我直率地告诉他,他的工作做得不够好。 I said hello but she looked straight through me.我跟她打了个招呼,而她却对我视而不见。He was sitting with his legs stretched straight out in front of him.他两腿向前伸直地坐着。After booking into our hotel, we went straight down to the beach.登记入住酒店后,我们就径直去了海滩。As always, we went straight to the experts for advice.像往常一样,我们马上去找专家咨询。Serve straight from the dish with a tossed green salad.配上拌过了的田园色拉直接上桌。She told him straight to his face that she hated him.她当着他的面说讨厌他。He's making an effort to get back on the straight and narrow.他在努力回归安分守己的生活。I've been jumping about the file instead of working straight through it.我随意翻看这份文件,而不是从头看到尾。Stand straight with your weight distributed evenly, your stomach and bottom held in and your shoulders back.站直,保持重心居中,收腹提臀,肩膀打开。I went straight past the dog. I didn't trust myself to stop.我赶快从那条狗身旁走过去,不敢停下。A lot of the money will go straight to the taxman.这笔钱中很大一部分将直接上交税务部门。Devraux stared straight ahead, without looking at his son.德夫劳克斯直盯着前方,不看自己的儿子。Sue always looks you straight in the eye when she's talking to you.休和你说话时总是直视着你。She called a press conference to set the record straight about her disappearance.她举行记者招待会说明失踪的真相。If you two don't behave, I'm taking you straight home.你们俩要是不听话,我马上带你们回家去。It works better than straight-out intimidation.这比一味的恐吓要管用。Draw a straight line.画一条直线。I got home and went straight to bed.我回到家就径直上床睡了。What really gets under my skin is people who push straight to the front of the line.那些插队的人真叫我恼火。He was a nice enough guy, but he was so straight - I always felt I had to be on my best behaviour with him.他是个不错的家伙,不过太严肃了——我总是觉得我和他在一起必须得规规矩矩的。Beasley told me he'd seen you, so I nipped straight home.比斯利告诉我他看到你了,所以我就赶快直接回家了。She was looking straight into his eyes.她直视着他的眼睛。Anastasia was willowy and graceful, with grey eyes and long, straight red hair.阿纳斯塔西娅身材苗条、举止优雅,长着一双灰色的眼睛和一头红色的长直发。The team went into a tailspin and lost six straight games.这支队一路下滑,连输六场比赛。I've got a meeting straight after lunch.午饭后我马上去开会。He picked up the local lingo straight away.他马上就学会了当地的语言。He himself had joined the others straight from the office.他本人下班后径直加入到了他们的行列。But why couldn't he tell me straight out?可是他为什么不直截了当地告诉我?First you must true up the pieces of wood to make a straight edge.你得先把一块块木头摆正并使边沿成一直线。I knew I should have arrested her straight off.我知道我应该立即逮捕她的。He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me.他结束了谈话,站起身来,直直地看着我。




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