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词汇 偷来
例句 The thieves made off in a stolen car.窃贼开着一辆偷来的车仓皇逃离。He was trying to sell stolen property.他试图变卖偷来的财物。She paid for the goods by means of a stolen credit card.她用偷来的信用卡买东西。Where did you get all those watches? Did you knock them over?你从哪里搞来那些手表?偷来的吗?He was trying to palm off some stolen videos on me.他试图把一些偷来的录像带冒充正规商品卖给我。He was accused of fraudulently using a stolen credit card.他被控盗用偷来的信用卡。The robbers sped off in a stolen car with three police vehicles in pursuit.盗贼开着一辆偷来的汽车疾速离去,三辆警车在后面追赶。She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth.她用偷来的绷带迅速把他绑紧,并塞住了他的嘴。New measures are needed to prevent fraudsters opening bank accounts with stolen cheques.需要采取新措施来防止诈骗分子使用偷来的支票在银行开户。Jim hustles stolen computers.吉姆兜售偷来的计算机。The thief gloated over the stolen jewels.小偷贪婪地看著偷来的珠宝。The robbers made their getaway in a stolen car, which was waiting for them outside the bank.劫匪钻进一辆偷来的车里逃跑了,那车就停在银行外面接应他们。A stolen car smashed into the bus.一辆偷来的汽车猛地撞上了公共汽车。He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.他在酒馆里出售偷来的车载收音机时,被当场抓住。They unloaded the stolen goods on the black market.他们把偷来的赃物倒到黑市上去卖。It fell off the back of a lorry.这是偷来的东西。He saw it as rough justice when he got food poisoning from the stolen meat.他吃偷来的肉中了毒,觉得是自食其果。The thieves escaped in a stolen vehicle.盗贼驾驶一辆偷来的车逃跑了。Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去把偷来的银器熔掉。The boys went on a two-day spending spree with the stolen credit cards.那些男孩用偷来的信用卡疯狂地挥霍了两天。The gang manhandled the stolen trailer through a gap in the fence.匪徒把偷来的拖车从篱笆的缺口处硬推过去。Cars are stolen to order for clients.一经买主要求,车子可以立即偷来He got in by means of a stolen key.他是用偷来的钥匙进来的。Thieves can sell stolen passports for a lot of money.小偷把偷来的护照卖掉可以得到不少钱。The thieves quarrelled about the division of their stolen goods.这些贼为分偷来的物品而争吵。It isn't his'n — it's stolen stuff.这东西不是他的,是偷来的。They broke free and made off in a stolen car.他们挣脱后开着一辆偷来的车逃之夭夭。Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去费劲把偷来的银器熔掉。They made their getaway along a pavement on a stolen motorcycle.他们骑上偷来的摩托车沿着人行道逃走了。The gang members had been told to wait until the heat was off before spending any of the stolen money.团伙成员被告知等警方的侦查工作结束后才能花偷来的钱。He was hit by a car that was being driven by joyriders.他被驾驶偷来的汽车兜风的人撞倒了。The villagers pilfered stones from ancient ruined cities to build their houses.村民们从古城废墟里偷来石头造房子。They had lifted dozens of CDs from the store.他们从商店里偷来许多激光唱片。One of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved.他们中的一个人说这两名开偷来的车去兜风的人死得活该。A group of youths went joyriding in stolen cars, causing three accidents before the police caught them.一伙年轻人开着偷来的车到处乱撞,等警察抓住他们时已导致了三起车祸。They made their getaway on a stolen motorcycle.他们骑着偷来的摩托车逃走了。The robbers got away with a lot of stolen jewelry.劫匪们带着许多偷来的珠宝逃走了。He went to prison for receiving stolen scrap iron.他因为收购偷来的废铁而入狱。They don't really want the things they steal. They just do it for kicks.他们并不是真的需要偷来的东西,偷窃只是追求刺激。One of them said the two dead joyriders got what they deserved.他们中间有一个人说:那两个开偷来的车去兜风的家伙活该去死。




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