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词汇 stormy
例句 We had a stormy passage to India.到印度的航程中,我们经历了暴风雨。It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.这是一个暴风雨之夜,大雨倾盆,强风呼啸。They have had their fair share of stormy weather in their marriage.他们的婚姻经历过不少坎坷。It was a dark and stormy night.那是一个漆黑的暴风雨之夜。Their working relationship was stormy at times.他们在工作中关系有时也闹得很僵。The meeting was stormy, and the two sides managed only to paper over the cracks on some issues.会议很激烈,但双方只是在试图掩盖某些问题上的错误。It looks as if we're in for some stormy weather.看起来我们要赶上暴风雨天气了。The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.英国政府可能陷入了动荡的经济困境中。Even if the two parties do sit down together, a stormy stalemate is in the cards.即使双方真的一起坐下来进行谈判,也很可能会出现一个激烈争吵相持不下的局面。We had a stormy passage across the channel.我们横渡海峡时遇到了风暴。The letter was read at a stormy meeting.这封信是在一次争吵激烈的会议上念的。The ship was rolling from side to side in the stormy sea.船在暴风雨的海面上颠簸。They made the treacherous journey across stormy seas in rotten boats.他们乘着破旧的小船穿越风大浪急的海面,完成了这次危险之旅。Alcoholics often tend to have stormy and destructive relationships.酗酒者通常与人的关系都冲动激烈,具有破坏性。The stormy weather made for a very bumpy landing.风暴天气使得〔飞机〕降落时很颠簸。They had a passionate and often stormy relationship.他们两人的关系充满激情,但又冲突不断。The fishermen cheated death in the stormy seas.那些在波涛汹涌的海上作业的渔民们侥幸避开死神。The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.英国政府可能陷入了严重的经济困难。You may spot accidentals driven in by the stormy weather.你可能会观察到一些鸟因为恶劣天气而被迫飞到它们通常不会出现的地方。Their relationship was very stormy.他们的关系很紧张。Their relationship could be stormy at times.他们之间的关系有时也不大稳定。The ship forged ahead through the stormy sea.船在风急浪高的海面上稳稳行进。His parliamentary career was stormy.他的议员生涯一波三折。Ethelred was not the most pious of kings, and his clashes with the church were stormy and frequent.埃塞雷德不是个虔诚的国王,经常与教会发生激烈的冲突。They make the treacherous journey across stormy seas.他们穿越了波浪滔天的大海,完成了这次危险之旅。The sky was dark and stormy.天空阴沉,暴风雨即将来临。The artist has used several layers of paint to create the stormy sky.艺术家用了好几层颜料来描绘骤雨将至的天空。Their relationship has always been a stormy one.他们的关系总是冲突不断。It was unusual that someone should be taking a ride on a stormy night like this.这样风雨交加的夜里竟然有人在骑车兜风,真稀奇。The weather/day was cold and stormy.天气/那天又冷又有暴风雪。The stormy sea rolled and tossed the ship.风雨交加的海面使这条船剧烈颠簸着。It's pretty stormy! I think we're in for a rough flight.风相当大!我想我们这次航程会很颠簸。He was booed and hissed during a stormy meeting.他在闹哄哄的会议中被人喝倒彩、发嘘声。After a long and sometimes stormy discussion, a decision was finally reached.经过长时间的讨论,有时难免有激烈的争吵,最后终于作出了决定。The bill is expected to face a stormy passage in both houses.该法案有望在参众两院冲破重重阻力后获得通过。




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