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词汇 stood
例句 She stood on the deck and waved to them.她站在甲板上向他们挥手。Boys stood beneath the highway overpass.男孩子们站在公路立交桥下面。The actor stood alone at center stage.这名演员独自站在舞台中央。He entered the room and stood near the door.他走进屋里,站在门边。Mike stood up and dusted himself down.迈克站起身,把身上拍打干净。She stood surety for her husband's debts.她为其丈夫的债务做担保人。Ancient wisdom has stood the test of time.古老的智慧已经经受了时间的考验。We stood there crying and hugging each other.我们站在那里哭着互相拥抱。The mountains stood in bold outline against the sky.群山在天空辉映下轮廓分明地屹立着。He stood up for his friend.他力挺他的朋友。I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window.我在最近的一家商店的橱窗前站了一会儿。We stood at the bar being jostled by some thick-necked lager louts.我们站在酒吧台前被一些粗脖子的发酒疯的青年推搡着。We stood there for a moment, gazing up into the snow-covered branches of the tree.我们在那儿站了一会,抬头凝望,那树上白雪满枝。Ella stood outside, vainly trying to clutch at the door handle.埃拉站在外面,徒劳地想要抓住门把手。His house stood by itself on the edge of the village.他的房子孤零零地坐落在村庄的边上。A little huddle of men stood in one corner.一小撮人站在角落里。A lighted candelabra stood on a table.桌上立着一个蜡烛已经点燃的大枝形烛台。The children stood in a row against the wall.孩子们靠墙站成一排。Then, with sudden resolution, she stood up.然后,她突然很坚决地站了起来。I stood aside to let her pass.我站到一边让她过去。There he stood: hair in wild tangles, dark stubble shadowing his chin.他站在那儿,头发乱成一团,下巴上一片黑胡茬。Maybe their relationship had never really stood a chance.也许他们的爱情从来就是没有希望的。I stood in the waning light watching the final rays of the sun.我站在越来越暗的光线之中观看着落日的余晖。Her colorful coat stood out against the dull colors of the room.她鲜艳的外套在这个颜色晦暗的房间里格外显眼。He stood there awkwardly, refusing to move.他故意站在那里,拒绝让开。He stood there bareheaded.他不戴帽站在那里。Pine trees stood straight along the path.松树笔直地挺立在小路两旁。The twins stood in juxtaposition for their picture.双胞胎并肩站着照相。More mourners stood mutely on the nation's most famous beach.更多的哀悼者默默地站在该国最著名的沙滩上。Holmes looked grave, and stood deep in worried thought for a minute or two.福尔摩斯表情严肃,忧心地站着一两分钟,深深地陷入了沉思。The door opened and Harriet stood in front of him.门开了,哈丽雅特站在他面前。He stood staring into space until he was roused by a tap on his shoulder.他站在那儿凝视空地,直到有人拍他肩膀才回过神来。He stood as the party's candidate in the election.他作为该党的候选人参加竞选。She stood among the rubble left by the earthquake.她站在地震留下的碎石乱瓦间。She stood as though turned to stone.她站着,好像变成了石头似的。We stood at the counter, filling our bowls with salad.我们站在柜台前往碗里装沙拉。His supper stood on the table, untasted.他的晚饭搁在桌上,一口未动。We stood under the overhang while it rained.下雨时我们站在突出的遮挡物下面。He stood at the top of a sickeningly steep gully.他站在一个陡峭得令人眩晕的沟壑上。We stood for a few moments, admiring the view.我们驻足了一会儿,欣赏美丽的景色。




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