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词汇 benefit
例句 The benefit to the local economy would be incalculable.为地方经济带来的效益是不可估量的。He raised his voice for the benefit of the other two women.为了让其他两个女人听清,他提高了嗓门。Self-evidently a handful of companies will benefit.不言而喻的是少数几个公司会受益。Our company could benefit from some new blood. 我们公司会因增加一些新生力量而受益。This project will be of great benefit to the region as a whole.这个项目整体来看对该地区将大有好处。With the benefit of hindsight, it's easy to say it was the wrong decision.现在说当时的决定错了是很容易的,但这是事后诸葛亮。The school is having/holding a benefit to raise money for a new gymnasium.学校正举行公益活动,为新体育馆的建设筹措资金。He feels standardized education does not benefit those children who are either below or above average intelligence.他认为标准化教育对那些智力水平低于或超出平均水平的儿童没有好处。I didn't know whether his story was true or not, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.我不知道他说的是真是假,不过我决定姑且相信他这一次。She studied every evening and reaped the benefit at exam time.她每天晚上都坚持学习,考试时受益匪浅。The East and the West can work together for their mutual benefit.东西方可以为了共同利益通力合作。An investment in my company would be to our mutual benefit.对我的公司进行投资会对我们双方都有益。He must have the benefit of the doubt until we are certain of his guilt.在我们未能确定他有罪之前,他应该被认为是无罪的。The management tried to satisfy staff with some platitudes about the need to make sacrifices for the benefit of the company.管理层说一些老生常谈的话,说什么要为公司利益作出牺牲,以试图安抚人心。She contends the new law will only benefit the wealthy.她认为这条新颁布的法律只会让富人受益。He did it entirely for your benefit.他完全是为了你的利益才干那件事的。She is pretty without benefit of make-up.她不经化妆也漂亮。Regulations placed clear obligations on the landlord for the benefit of the tenant.条例明确规定了房东应承担的各项义务以维护承租人的利益。The global economy can cut both ways, as some of a country's industries benefit from increased opportunity, and others lose to overseas competition.全球化经济是一把双刃剑,一个国家中的有些行业可以从增加的机会中得到好处,有些行业则会输给来自海外的竞争对手。These discoveries will be of benefit to all humanity.这些发现将有益于全人类。The state should fund the arts for the benefit of us all.为了我们大众的利益,国家应该提供经费资助艺术。The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.新游乐场的建立将有益于当地的儿童。Steve didn't have the benefit of a formal college education.史蒂夫没能接受正规的大学教育。The PR man suggested that I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed.公关顾问建议说我去矫正一下牙齿或许会有好处。Researchers have found that single-sex education may benefit girls.研究人员发现在女校受教育可能有利于女孩成长。I'm not doing it for myself; I'm doing it for your benefit. 我这么做不是为自己,而是为你好。You shouldn't try to handle this problem without benefit of a lawyer.在没有律师帮助的情况下,你不该费劲儿去处理这个问题。He's on social security benefit.他领取社会保障金。We want you to get maximum benefit from the treatment.我们希望你从这个治疗中得到最大的好处。I'm sure you'll benefit greatly from the visit.我相信,这次访问你将获益匪浅。The sea air will benefit you.海边的空气对你有益。The government has altered the rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefit.政府已经修改了有关领取失业救济金资格的规章制度。A bazaar was held for the benefit of the victims of the natural calamity.为灾民举办了义卖。It is easy to criticize others when you have the benefit of hindsight.事后再去批评别人当然容易。With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear we ought to have done more.事后看来,我们显然本该做得更多。A big percentage of the farmers stood to benefit by the redistribution.大部分农民会因为再分配而得益。The company derived substantial benefit from the deal.公司从这笔交易中得到了很大好处。Various performers will present a concert of Broadway music to benefit AIDS charities.好几位表演者将举行一场音乐会,演奏百老汇音乐来赞助艾滋病慈善机构。Some critics say that the tax cuts only benefit wealthy people.一些评论家认为,减税只能惠及富人。Her judgment will be better when she has the benefit of more experience.如果她的经验更丰富一些,她的判断会更准确。




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