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词汇 missing from
例句 Several secret documents went missing from the government's Information department.政府信息部的几份秘密文件不见了。There was something missing from his life.他的生活缺了点儿什么。There's a button missing from your shirt.你的衬衫掉了个扣子。The file was missing from its place.文件不在原来的地方了。Write in the letter that is missing from each word.填写出每个单词中空缺的字母。Two bottles were missing from the drugs cupboard.药柜里少了两瓶药。There was a button missing from his shirt.他衬衣上有一枚纽扣不见了。The spirit of fair play is sadly missing from the sport these days.如今的体育运动缺少公平竞争精神,令人遗憾。A small sum of money went missing from the office last night.昨晚办公室有一笔金额不大的钱不见了。Four AWOLs are still missing from their unit.四名擅离职守的士兵现在仍然没有归队。Things came to a head when money was found to be missing from the account.当发现账户上的钱不见了时,事态变得严重起来。One vital item of data was missing from the table.这个表缺少了一项重要数据。There is a page missing from this book.这本书缺掉一页。A lot of soldiers were missing from the Victory parade.许多士兵没有去参加胜利巡游。It came to my attention that several items were missing from my office.我发现我的办公室里有几件东西不见了。Why are there 1 million people missing from the electoral register?为什么选民名册上少了一百万人?She had given me an incomplete list. One name was missing from it.她给我的名单并不完整,有一个名字漏掉了。The study of housework as work is a topic entirely missing from sociology.把家务劳动作为工作来研究是社会学中完全未触及过的一个课题。Something was missing from her life.她的生活缺了点什么。The thief must have had an attack of conscience, because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it.这个小偷一定是突然良心发现,因为他把钱包又原封不动地还了回来。The page had a line missing from the bottom.这一页的下端少了一行。She discovered that some important papers were missing from her desk.她发现桌子上的一些重要文件不见了。I noticed that a pane of glass was missing from the door.我注意到了门上少一块玻璃。Officials hope the Navy will solve the mystery of four bombs that are missing from the wreckage of a military jet.官员希望海军能够解开军用喷气飞机残骸中四枚炸弹失踪的谜团。Some important papers are missing from the files.档案中丢失了一些重要的资料。She noticed that two employees' files were missing from the cabinet.她发现文件柜里有两个雇员的档案不见了。A button was missing from his shirt.他的衬衫上掉了一颗纽扣。Oh no! The last page is missing from the book!啊呀,书的最后一页不见了!A leading businessman has been reported missing from his home.警方接到报告说一位商界要人从家中失踪。A few books are missing from the shelf.架子上缺了几本书。There were several slates missing from the roof.房顶有几块石板瓦掉了。Two pages were missing from my copy of the report.我的这份报告有两页缺失。Stock has been going missing from the stock room, and we're trying to find out who is responsible.仓库里不断丢失货物,我们在设法查出是谁干的。




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