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词汇 bend the rules
例句 The state government was willing to bend the rules where necessary in order to create more jobs.为了创造更多的就业机会,州政府必要时也会通融一下。I'll try and get the housing department to bend the rules for us.我去试试让房屋署给我们通融一下。Couldn't they just bend the rules and let us in without a ticket?他们就不能通融一下,让我们免票入场吗?A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules.少数官员准备不按规定办事。There is a particular urgency in this case, and it would help if you could bend the rules.这次碰巧有紧急情况,如果您能通融一下就好了。It would help if you could bend the rules in this case.在这件事情上,您能通融一下就好了。Can't you bend the rules a little? I was only a few minutes late.你就不能稍微变通一下吗?我只不过迟到了几分钟而已。I'm not asking anyone to bend the rules, I just want justice to be done.我不是要求有人能够通融,我只要求公平办事。They shouldn't bend the rules for him just because he's the director's son.他们不应该仅仅因为他是主任的儿子就对他网开一面。Usually we don't do this, but for you we'll bend the rules a bit.通常我们不这样做,但对你我们可以稍稍通融一下。




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