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He wanted to marry and settle down, but the girls were only interested in one-night stand.他想要结婚并安定下来,但是那些女孩只对露水姻缘感兴趣。There is no love whatsoever between us. We just had a one-night stand.我跟他之间完全没有感情,我们只是一夜情的关系。I really hope this wasn't just a one-night stand.我真的希望这不仅仅是一夜情。She gets pregnant after a one-night stand.她在有过一次一夜情之后怀孕了。I can only assume I was just a one-night stand.我只能猜测自己仅仅是被当成了一夜情的对象。He says it was a one-night stand.他说那不过是一夜情而已。She was a one-night stand. I haven't seen her since.她与我有过一夜情,之后我就再没见过她。 |