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词汇 sticking
例句 The main sticking point was the question of taxes.主要的症结是税收问题。Her toe was sticking out from the hole in her shoe.她的脚趾从鞋上的洞里伸出来。Are you sticking?你不再要牌了吗?The strikers are sticking out for higher pay.罢工者们坚持要求增加工资。It had a saddle with springs sticking out, which wore away the seat of my pants.鞍座上的弹簧翘出来,把我裤子臀部那块磨破了。He saw a hand sticking up through the snow.他看见雪里有一只手伸出来。Drain and cut away any wisps of potato sticking through.沥干水,将任何冒出头的土豆丝都切掉。My ex is sticking on a divorce, but she'll agree once I offer her enough money.我前妻不愿意离婚,不过我要给她足够的钱,她马上就会同意。You've got a bit of hair sticking up at the back.你后面的头发有点翘。The Government, he said, were sticking to stale ideas.他说政府仍在抱残守缺。What is the point of sticking slavishly to the rules?有必要死守那些规则吗?A pen was sticking out of his pocket.他的口袋里插着一支钢笔。My hair's still sticking up – I just can't get it to obey me.我的头发依旧往上翘,我就是没办法让它服帖。She'll be sticking pins in a voodoo doll of her ex-boyfriend.她要在一个象征她前男友的巫毒娃娃身上插满针。Your hair is sticking up - it looks like you're sprouting horns!你的头发竖起来了——看上去跟长了角似的!Her hair was sticking up at the back.她脑后的头发支棱着。He has been fired for sticking his ignorant neck out too far.他遇事不知高低太逞强,结果被解雇了。Her thighs were sticking together under her dress.她的两条大腿在裙子下面紧紧合住。A large rock was sticking up in the middle of the river.一块巨大的岩石在河中间拱起。I don't want your dad over here sticking his oar in.我不想你爸爸插手这里的事。When I get up in the morning, my hair is always sticking up.我早上起床的时候,头发总是竖着。The workers are sticking on the question of holiday pay.工人们坚决要求解决假日工资问题。Can you see that branch that's sticking up?你能看到伸出来的那根树枝吗?!A neatly folded handkerchief was sticking out of his jacket pocket.他的外套口袋里露出一块折得整整齐齐的手帕。Julia has been sticking religiously to her diet.朱莉娅严格按规定进餐。You'll have to plane some more off the bottom of the door - it's still sticking.你得再把门底刨一刨——门还有些卡。His wife was sticking by him.他的妻子对他忠贞不渝。The length of the contract has become a sticking point in the negotiations.合约的期限已经成为谈判的分歧点。The children made patterns by sticking coloured shapes onto paper.孩子们把彩色图形粘贴在纸上构成图案。No one wants the government sticking its nose into the personal affairs of citizens.没人愿意政府打探公民的私事。What's that sticking out of your pocket?你口袋里伸出来的是什么东西? I'll bollock him for sticking his rubbish in my cupboard.他把乱七八糟的东西塞进了我的柜子里,我要好好骂他一顿。She was sticking posters on her bedroom wall.她正在卧室的墙壁上贴招贴画。He has shown a great deal of courage in sticking up for democracy and civil liberties.他在捍卫民主和公民自由上表现出巨大的勇气。The drifter was charged with sticking up a bank.这个流浪汉被指控持枪抢劫银行。I was so thirsty my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth.我口渴极了,舌头都粘到腭壁去了。Part of the boat was sticking up out of the water.部分船体伸出水面。Something sharp was sticking into my back.有什么锋利的东西正在扎进我背里。She's sticking to her decision to retire.她坚持退休的决定。He was boiling hot and his jacket was sticking to his back.他热极了,上衣都贴在了后背上。




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