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词汇 stern
例句 The stern old faiths have all pulverized.僵化古老的信念都已毁灭。The propeller raced wildly as the stern rose.艉部抬起,螺旋桨离水飞转。His grandparents were stern and self-righteous people.他的祖父母很严厉,又自视甚高。His actions have earned him stern rebukes from human-rights organizations.他的行为使他受到了人权组织的严厉指责。He was a very stern moralist, who saw through the sexual hypocrisy of the Victorian aristocracy.他是个非常严格的道德家,看穿了维多利亚时期贵族阶级在两性问题上的道貌岸然。Archdeacon Babbington had hauled him before the Bishop for a stern reproof.巴宾顿执事长将他带到主教面前,让他好好挨一顿训。Immediately afterwards there entered a stern-looking man arrayed in a black frock.这以后立刻进来了一个身穿黑色僧袍表情严厉的男人。Sylvia had a stern father who never praised her.西尔维娅有一个严厉的父亲,他从来没有夸奖过她。The stern set of the officer's jaw made Tony realize he was in trouble.长官紧绷的脸让托尼意识到自己有麻烦了。His stern expression merged into a twisted smile.他严峻的表情渐渐化作一副不自然的笑容。The barge had a rounded bow and stern.这条驳船的船头和船尾都是圆的。His face was stern and forbidding.他面部表情严厉,令人望而生畏。We remember our mother's stern instructions not to boast.我们谨记母亲不许我们在人前炫耀的严厉教诲。The ship is decorated from stem to stern with Christmas greetings.这艘船从头到尾都装点着圣诞饰品。The president was prepared to resort to stern measures to get his way.总统准备采取强硬措施达到目的。She issued a stern warning against making changes too quickly.她提出严厉的警告,反对过快做出变动。The court issued a stern warning to the driver.法庭对那位司机发出了严厉警告。She boomed commands from the stern of the ship.她在船尾用低沉而有力的声音发布命令。His was a stern regimen of fasts, vigils, and unceasing prayer.他的严格养生法包括节食、守夜和不断祈祷。Don't come the stern father.别摆出一副严父的架势。He must have a soft heart beneath that stern exterior.在他那严厉的外表下肯定有一副软心肠。I was quite stern with Margaret.我对玛格丽特相当严厉。Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.斯特劳先生向那些坚持进行暴力活动的人发出了严正警告。I'll give them a stern lecture about this dangerous activity.对于这次危险的行动我会严厉训斥他们一顿。The headmaster called the boys into his study and administered a stern rebuke.校长把男孩子们叫到他的书房进行了严厉斥责。His expression stern, Michael shook his head.迈克尔表情严峻,摇了摇头。Her sewing would never pass that eagle eye without stern criticism.她的缝纫活总逃不了那个目光锐利的人的严格指摘。He had received a stern rebuke from his superiors.他受到了上司的严厉斥责。He cast a stern glance at the two men.他朝那两个人狠狠地瞪了一眼。We cleaned the house from stem to stern.我们清扫了整座房子。The seneschal was an old stern man.管家是个严肃的老人。The magistrate sat there, stern and erect, as the charge was read out.宣读起诉书的时候,地方法官表情严肃,笔直地坐在那里。Jessica feigned a stern look.杰茜卡装出一副坚决的表情。Even one minute's lateness would earn a stern rebuke.哪怕迟到一分钟也将受到严厉的斥责。He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man.他是个苛刻的批评家,但却是个非常善良的人。He gave me a stern look.他很不满意地瞪了我一眼。Her father was stern and hard to please.他父亲很苛刻,很难取悦。She has a soft heart under a stern exterior.在她严厉的外貌底下有着一副温柔的好心肠。I've read the book from stem to stern.这本书我已从头至尾读完。The sea ran high, and swept the little craft from stem to stern.海面上风急浪高,小船从头至尾都被浪头冲刷著。




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