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词汇 station
例句 A few passers-by dropped into the station.几个过路人顺便走进车站。We got to the station just as the train was pulling out.我们到车站时,火车正要开出。A soldier was killed during an exchange of gunfire at the border station.一名士兵在边防站的一次交火中丧生。You needn't come with me - I can find my own way to the station.你不必和我一起走,我自己能找到去火车站的路。It's an easy journey - we just drive to the station, then take the direct train to Paris.这趟旅程并不费事—我们只要开车到车站,然后乘火车直达巴黎。The police car shot away from the railway station.警车从火车站疾驶而去。We found a photo booth on the station.我们在车站找到了一个自助快照亭。The railway station was swamped with thousands of families trying to flee the city.火车站挤满了成千上万想要逃离这座城市的家庭。She found the wavelength of their broadcasts, and left the radio tuned to their station.她找到了他们的广播波段,把收音机调到那个位置收听他们电台的节目。The radio station stands accused of racism.这家电台被指责种族歧视。They worked from cramped offices near the main station.他们在汽车总站附近狭小的办公室里上班。Can you give me a lift to the station?你能让我搭便车到车站吗? Four of the victims received serious injuries when the device ripped through one of the station's lavatories.炸弹击中车站里的一个厕所,四名受害者受了重伤。Her passport had been stamped and countersigned by the duty sergeant at the police station.她的护照已经被警局的值班警官盖章并会签了。Slowly the train drew out of the station.列车徐徐驶出车站。We got to the station just in time.我们刚好及时赶到车站。The TV station is continuing to localize content in order to maximize regional sales.电视台继续对内容进行地方化,以期实现区域销售最大化。Christine was deputized to stay with the luggage at the station while her mother found their guesthouse.妈妈去找宾馆,克里斯蒂娜被指派在火车站看着行李。These are the folks from the local TV station.这些是当地电视台来的人。There's a newspaper kiosk in the station.车站里有一个报亭。Suddenly, there was a tremendous bang, and the whole station shook.突然一声巨响,整个车站都晃动了。An incident room was set up at a police station near the site of the crash.在距离失事现场附近的警局设立了一个事件调查办公室。Anne saw Terry off at the station.安妮到车站为特里送行。The station censored her speech before broadcasting it.电台审查了她的讲稿之后才播出她的演讲。A reporter from a local television station was sent to interview Shaw.当地电视台的一名记者被派去采访肖。The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.士兵们在首都征用车辆,并占领了电视台。We headed back to the station.我们掉头回车站。The power station dominates the landscape.发电站高高耸立,俯瞰整片风景。They went to claim their luggage at the station.他们去车站提取行李。This train calls at every station.这次列车每站都停。Trains come up a steep gradient to the station.火车开上通向车站的陡坡。The train moved slowly into the station.列车徐徐进站。 Two police officers arrested him and took him to Kensington police station.两名警察逮捕了他并把他带到了肯辛顿警察分局。It's a long way to the railroad station.到火车站路程很远。That broadcasting station was in the ratings cellar.那家电台的收听率处于最低档。We're staying at a cheap hotel near the train station.我们住在火车站附近一家便宜的旅馆里。He'll go with you as far as the station for company.他将陪你到车站。He was arrested and taken to the police station for fingerprinting.他被逮捕了,并被带到警察局做了指纹采样。How many people have written into the television station to complain about the moral level of the show?有多少人写信给电视台抱怨这档节目的道德水准?Passengers travelling to Edinburgh should alight at the next station.前往爱丁堡的乘客应该在下一站下车。




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