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词汇 间谍
例句 Insolent interventionists and spies abounded.傲慢无礼的干涉主义分子和间谍为数众多。Some countries have infiltrated their agents into the Republic.一些国家已派间谍渗入了该共和国内部。But the case now has the whole place talking, with its sinuous plot, double-agents and moles.但是该案错综复杂,牵涉到一些双面间谍及内奸,现在已在当地传得沸沸扬扬。This case is the latest in a series of British spy scandals.这是英国一连串间谍丑闻中最新的案子。He feared the ignominy of being exposed as a spy.他害怕间谍身份被揭穿所带来的耻辱。Philby had been spying for the Russians for several years.菲尔比曾为俄国当了几年的间谍The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents.那名间谍返回来递送第二批机密文件。The Communists effectively infiltrated the government and the political parties.间谍有效地潜入了政府以及各政治党派。The atmosphere was reminiscent of spy movies.那气氛使人联想起间谍电影。He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.他已被俄国人招募为间谍并在莫斯科接受了培训。The spies managed to penetrate behind enemy lines.那些间谍成功穿过了敌军防线。An informer alleged that Samuel was a spy.一名告密者声称塞缪尔是个间谍His job as a diplomat was just a screen for his life as a spy.他做外交官的工作只不过是间谍生涯的一种掩护。He has written a spy thriller that recalls Fleming's James Bond series.他写的间谍惊险小说让人联想起弗莱明的詹姆斯·邦德系列小说。Ninety per cent of spies betray their countries for money.有九成间谍为了金钱背叛自己的祖国。Two embassy employees had been quietly recalled because of spying allegations.大使馆的两名雇员由于面临间谍指控已被悄悄召回。On the train to the Norwegian port of Narvik he rendezvoused with an Allied spy.在去挪威港口纳尔维克的火车上,他与一名盟国间谍秘密接头。They said the plane had been on a spy mission and they were justified in shooting it down.他们说这架飞机是在执行间谍任务,被击落是罪有应得。The spy was lifted the minute he stepped across the borderline.间谍一跨过国境线就立刻被捕。He turned out to be a spy.他原来是个间谍The movie is about a spy who masquerades as a salesman.这部电影讲述了一个假冒成销售员的间谍的故事。He had been decoyed across the frontier and arrested as a spy.他被诱骗越境,然后被当作间谍逮捕。This latest spy affair has created a lot of tension.最近这次间谍事件使局势变得十分紧张。Stalin's opponents were branded as spies and traitors.反对斯大林的人都被加上间谍和叛国者的臭名。US intelligence had been feeding false information to a KGB agent.美国的情报人员一直向克格勃间谍提供假情报。The job of the secret police was to hunt down spies and traitors.秘密警察的工作是追捕间谍和叛徒。To think there was a spy in our midst!想想吧,我们当中居然有一个间谍! The spy scandal involved two cabinet ministers and several civil servants.间谍丑闻牵涉到两位内阁成员和几名公务员。They had ascertained that he was not a spy.他们已经确定他不是间谍The organization had been penetrated by a spy.该组织渗入了一名间谍Some firms will go to great lengths, including spying, to obtain information about their competitors.有些公司会用各种手段,包括派出间谍,来获取竞争对手的消息。It is said that he was a spy during the war.据说他在战争期间是个间谍Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him.一旦确认他并非间谍,他们即同意将他释放。The organization was riddled with spies.间谍充斥着这个机构。The colonel had given orders for the spy's execution.上校已下令处决间谍Spies, every man jack of them, I'd bet.我敢打赌他们每个人都是间谍He exposed the spy's duplicity.他揭开了这名间谍的假面具。We must assume that the spy kept the negatives.我们必须假定间谍留有底片。She was cast as a college professor who becomes a spy.她扮演一名后来成为间谍的大学教授。They were accused of spying for a foreign government.他们被指控充当外国政府的间谍




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