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词汇 state of shock
例句 The driver was just sitting there in a state of shock.司机坐在那儿,简直惊呆了。He arrived at my house in a state of shock, unable to tell me clearly what had happened.他来到我家,一副惊恐万状的样子,没法说清楚发生了什么事。They were in a state of shock after hearing the news. = They were in shock over the news.他们听到消息后很震惊。Two days after the earthquake, many people were still in a state of shock.地震过后两天,许多人还是处于惊恐之中。The documentary left me in a state of shock.那部纪录片使我大为震惊。I think I'm still in a state of shock.我觉得我仍然未从震惊状态中缓过神来。Republicans were in a state of shock and turmoil after yesterday's election result.昨天的选举结果公布后,共和党人处于一片震惊和混乱中。The traffic accident sent him into a state of shock.那次交通事故使他处于休克状态。The news left me in a state of shock.这个消息让我大为震惊。




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