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例句 A colleague started playing footsie with me under the table during coffee breaks.工间喝咖啡休息时,有位同事开始在桌下与我碰脚调情。For me, the warning bells started to ring when she lost all that weight.她体重严重下降时,我就觉察到不对劲了。The whole house started to shake.整幢房子摇晃起来。What started as a serious meeting became nothing more than a talkfest.开始很严肃的会议变成了漫谈会。We left before the trouble started.出乱子前我们就离开了。The timer on the cooker started to bleep.炉灶上的定时器哔哔地响了起来。Jordan started up a band of his own.乔丹组建了自己的乐队。He started flailing around and hitting Vincent in the chest.他开始猛烈挣扎,捶打着文森特的胸口。She started a craze for this type of jewellery.她掀起这种珠宝的时尚。Fast work by the police in Birmingham had started producing circumstantial evidence.快速开展工作的伯明翰警方已经开始发现间接证据。The horse started off at a steady trot.那匹马开始稳步前进。The brothers started to quarrel, each accusing the other of being responsible for the mistake.兄弟俩吵了起来,他们互相指责,都说是对方弄错的。His business rivals started a whispering campaign against him.他的生意对手开始造他的谣。She has started taking in ironing.她已开始帮着熨衣服了。The business started as an offshoot of an established fashion design company.这家公司起步时只是一个知名时装设计公司的分支机构。He started his career as a TV compere.他的职业生涯始于担任电视节目主持人。I said she couldn't have an ice cream and she started to whimper.我说不给她买冰激凌吃,她就开始抽泣。Trading started briskly on the New York Stock Exchange this morning.今天早上纽约证券交易所开盘时交投活跃。We started the meeting by agreeing on a set of objectives.我们一开始开会就确定了一组目标。Dean got really drunk and started busting up the bar.迪安喝得大醉,开始砸酒吧。Billy was afraid to say anything in case she started crying again.比利怕她又哭起来,什么也不敢说。The politicians started a slanging match in the middle of the debate.辩论中,政客们开始互相谩骂起来。The problems really started maybe two or three years ago.这些问题可能是两三年以前真正开始出现的。The referee intervened when two of the players started to fight.两名球员打起来的时候,裁判出面调停。When the business started making money, everyone in his family wanted a piece of the pie.当生意开始赚钱时,他家里所有人都想分一杯羹。The car started with rheumatic wheezings.汽车像患了风湿病似地呼哧呼哧发动起来。The plane emptied its fuel tanks as it started losing altitude.飞机开始从高空骤降时排空了油箱。The company ended the year on the crest of a wave although it had started badly.这家公司成功地结束了这一年,虽然开头情况很糟。People kept crowding in, and one woman started to panic.人们不断地挤进来,一名妇女惊慌了起来。The situation got out of control, and a fight started.局面失控,一场打斗开始了。He started out as a stand-up comedian.他是作为一个单口喜剧演员出道的。Their conversation started to heat up. 他们的谈话活跃了起来。They've had a much more comfortable life since she started her new job.她开始新的工作以后,他们的生活宽裕多了。It's been over five years now since I started working here.我在这儿工作至今已经五年多了。I started spitting blood and my mother panicked.我开始吐血,我母亲吓坏了。She started turning my argument against me.她开始利用我的论点攻击我。All of the passengers started the day with a swim.所有旅客一天中的第一件事是游泳。She's started channeling her anger towards me.她开始对我发脾气。The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.几百年前始于欧洲的工业革命目前正在全世界蔓延。I stepped onto the platform and started to speak.我迈上讲台,开始讲话。




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