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例句 The play was a big yawn from start to finish.那出戏从头至尾极其乏味。Jason's going to start looking around for a new job.贾森正打算开始找新的工作。The games start off as a social event, but players soon become competitive.比赛起先是一项社会活动,但选手们很快就变得互不相让起来。This allowed Ms. Kelley to lay aside money to start her business.这样凯利女士就可以把钱存起来创业。I'll try to get my suggestion in at the start of the meeting.我会尽量在会议开始时把我的建议提出来。After you've finished painting the house you can start on the garage.你油漆好房子之后,可以开始油漆车库。They were looking for money to fund/launch a start-up.他们正在筹集资金创业。Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out.溯流而上,葡萄园开始变得稀少了。The house had to be completely gutted before renovation work could start.翻新开始之前,房子必须要全部腾空。When did the trouble start?这次麻烦是什么时候开始的?It always makes me mad when people drive up behind me and start flashing their lights.要是有人从我后面开上来一闪一闪地亮起车灯,我总是很恼火。He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.他从来都不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备到别处从头再来。It takes a lot of nerve to start a new career.开始一项新事业需要很大的勇气。If the team doesn't start winning, Coach Sanders could be in danger of losing his job.如果该球队还不获胜,桑德斯教练就有丢掉工作的危险。Soon after, they were invited to start a concessionary store in Perth.不久以后,他们就被邀请在珀斯租场地开设一家商店。Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.拯救亚马孙河的行动安排在了旱季来临之际。In the merry world of American lawyers it is the simplest thing in the world to start an action.在无忧无虑的美国律师界,世上最简单的事情就是提出诉讼。She was brimful of energy and ready to start the day.她精力充沛,准备好开始新的一天。We must invest in the fabric of our hospitals and start rebuilding them.我们必须对医院建筑进行投资并开始重建工作。If we're going to start our own business, we should think big.如果要自己创业,我们就得有远大抱负。Investors were pouring money into Internet start-ups.投资者把大笔钱投进因特网创业公司。I tried to start moving but the wheels had locked.我想向前移动一下,但车轮被锁住了。The car wouldn't start.汽车发动不起来。He made a start on dinner. 他开始吃晚饭。He lost all his money in an ill-judged attempt to start his own company.他尝试自己开公司,但因考虑不周而血本无归。Taxes were drastically cut in an attempt to kick-start the economy.进行了大幅减税以刺激经济增长。Press this button to start the engine.按此钮发动引擎。We could have breakfast before we start on the painting.我们可以先吃早饭再开始画画。Iasked him when he was going to start work.我问他准备什么时候开始工作。The time neared for him to start.他动身的时候快到了。For a start, you're too young.首先,你太年轻了。After a two-week rest I was ready to start running again.休息两周后,我可以重新开始跑步了。The car won't start because the battery is dead.汽车发动不起来,因为蓄电池没有电了。The runners walked up to the start line.参赛选手走向起跑线。After a slow start, the project is finally on the move.缓慢启动之后,这项工程终于取得了进展。The new Prime Minister has got off to a good start, but he still has to show what kind of leader he is going to be.新首相上任后开了个好头,但他仍得展现出自己的执政风格。He was miserable all the time and rows would start over petty things.他总是愁眉苦脸的,常因小事发怒。Traditionally, election campaigns start on Labor Day.根据惯例,竞选活动从劳动节开始。They had a difficult start, but they've turned the restaurant into a going concern.他们刚开张时很艰难,但现在已使餐馆成为赢利企业了。Sprinkle some cleanser on the floor and let it sit for a while before you start scrubbing.先在地板上洒些去污剂,稍等一会儿再去擦拭。




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