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He tried to avoid taking a strong stand on political hot potatoes like abortion.他力图避免在堕胎等棘手的政治问题上明确表达自己的立场。The school stands on the site of an ancient settlement.学校建在一个古老的居民点上。She had to stand on a chair to reach the switch.她得站在椅子上才能按到开关。The mansion stands on a hill.那座宅邸坐落在山丘上。He earns enough to stand on his own feet.他赚的钱足以自立。George stands on his hind legs, clawing holes in the screen.乔治用后腿直立起来,爪子在屏风上抓出一个个洞。There's no need to stand on ceremony – come in and relax.不要拘礼,进来放松一下。What is your stand on this issue?你对这个问题持什么立场?I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.我能自食其力,不必依赖我的丈夫。She'll never learn to stand on her own feet if you keep giving her whatever she wants.如果她要什么你给什么,那她一辈子也无法学会独立生活。Anything I say has to stand on the strength of its argument.不管我说什么,落脚点就是观点要有说服力。I can't reach that shelf unless I stand on a chair.我站在椅子上才能够着那个架子。His red house stands on a hill.他的红房子位于小山上。She had to stand on tiptoe to reach the shelf.她必须踮起脚尖才够得着架子。He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.在滥用医院资金的问题上,他采取公开的反对态度。Come forward a bit and stand on the line.向前来一点儿,站在线上。She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.她从街角的小摊上买了个热狗。The palace stands on the west bank of the river.宫殿矗立在河的西岸。Any solicitor will tell you, if you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on.任何律师都会告诉你,如果你们同居,而和你同居的男人离开了你,在法律上你得不到任何支持。The lake stands on the top of the hill.那个湖泊位于该山山顶。She had to stand on a ladder to cut the top of the hedge.她得站在扶梯上来修剪树篱的顶端。The case stands on the witness's testimony.此案要依据证人的证词来处理。This memorial stands on sacred ground.这块纪念碑屹立于圣地之上。He clarified his stand on the issue.他澄清了他在该问题上的立场。The thought of jumping out of a plane makes my hair stand on end.老实说,一想到从飞行的飞机上跳下来就让我毛骨悚然。It is only people of small moral stature who have to stand on their dignity.只有褊狭小人才非计较体面不可。She thought people should take a stand on such an issue.她认为人们应该对这样一个问题表明立场。Without evidence, the prosecutor doesn't have a leg to stand on.因无证据,原告的起诉站不住脚。He is a man of small moral stature who always tries to stand on his dignity.他是个偏狭小人,老是计较体面。The flagpole stands on a small elevation in front of the building.旗杆矗立在楼前的一小块高地上。Don't stand on ceremony, dinner's ready, dig in!不要客气,饭好了,开始吃吧!If you have no witnesses, you don't have a leg to stand on.如果没有证人,你就无法证明。The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.这座房子坐落在一个饱受风雨侵袭的荒山顶上。All claimants stand on an equal legal footing.索赔人的法律地位一律平等。The lamp stands on a circular base.落地灯由圆形底座支承。Once she got up and told the truth about the affair, the other side wouldn't have a leg to stand on.一旦她站出来说出事件的真相,对方就会站不住脚了。The case stands on his testimony.这件案子要靠他的证词定案。My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.只要我能够自食其力,不依附于自己的丈夫,嫁给谁我父亲倒是并不介意。Just hearing his voice makes my hair stand on end.光是听见他的声音就吓得我汗毛直竖了。If you didn't sign a contract, you won't have a leg to stand on.如果你没签合同的话,你就没有东西可以依据了。 |