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词汇 stand for
例句 It's hard to tell what the party stands for these days.如今这个党派的主张是什么很难说清楚。Détente in their eyes stands for a cozy state of live and let live.缓和在他们心目中就是一种各自生活互不相扰的安定状态。He stands for freeing the country from the grip of dogma.他主张将国家从宗教教义的束缚下解放出来。I'm not going to stand for any more of this nonsense.我不想再听到这样的胡言乱语了。No one makes a fool of me. I won't stand for it!没有人欺骗我。我是容不得别人骗我的!They have never weakened their stand for human rights.在人权问题上,他们的立场从未软化过。If you want to change the way the committee does things, you should stand for election yourself.如果你想改变委员会做事的方式,你应该亲自参加竞选。The record she set seems likely to stand for many years.她创下的纪录很可能会保持许多年。I won't stand for this rudeness, do you hear?我不能容忍这种粗鲁行为,你听见了吗?I hate them and everything they stand for.我讨厌他们以及他们主张的一切。There was so much muckraking about his family life that he decided not to stand for election.众多媒体大肆搜集报道他的家庭生活,致使他决定不再参加竞选。It's outrageous, and we won't stand for it any more.这太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。He cajoled Mr Dobson to stand for mayor.他说服多布森先生参选市长。I'll be on the stand for two hours.我将在展台上照看两个小时。She was one of the first women to stand for election to parliament.她是最早参加议会选举的女性之一。The voters should by now be in no doubt what the parties stand for.选民们现在应该确切知道各党派的主张了。Every two years all the congressmen stand for re-election.所有国会议员每两年重新选举一次。They oppose the monarchy and all that it stands for.他们反对君主制及其所代表的一切。This party stands for low taxes and individual freedom.这个政党支持低税率,主张个人自由。I won’t stand for the friend of yours who highhats.我再也受不了你那位举止傲慢的朋友了。I won't stand for any more of your rudeness.我对你的粗鲁再也不能容忍了。The American flag stands for freedom and justice.美国国旗代表自由及公平。Please stand for the national anthem.请起立,奏国歌。I won't stand for your crap any longer. = I won't put up with your crap any longer.我不会再忍受你的胡搅蛮缠了。I would like to see him stand for re-election.我希望看到他竞选连任。Granny says if she stands for a long time her ankles hurt.奶奶说她站久了脚踝会疼。The sign of △ in the biology stands for the everygreen plant.在植物学上△符号表示四季常青植物。The color white often stands for innocence and purity.白色常象征天真和纯洁。He has made it patently clear that he will not stand for childish theatrics any longer.他已经明确表示不再支持幼稚的做戏行为。He always stands for what is right.他对正确的事物总是支持的。He hates us and everything we stand for.他仇恨我们以及我们的任何主张。They've lost their moorings, and they're not clear about what they stand for.他们已失去了精神支柱,且对自己的信仰立场混沌不清。I wouldn't stand for that sort of behaviour from him, if I were you.我要是你的话,就不会容忍他那样的行为。There is a stand for taxis outside the main station.主客站外有一个出租车载客区。The public won't stand for it.公众是不会容忍这个的。He won't stand for any disobedience.他不许任何人不服从。She's been lying about me, and I won't stand for it.她一直乱说我坏话,我不会容忍下去的。I cannot stand for talking in my class.在我的课上,我不允许有人上课说话。You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。Add the water and let the mixture stand for three minutes.往混合物里加水后静置三分钟。




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