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词汇 bells
例句 Church bells tolled as people gathered for the service.人们聚在一起做礼拜时,教堂的钟声缓缓敲响。The funeral procession left the church as the bells began to toll.钟声开始敲响,送葬队伍离开了教堂。Will those blessed bells never stop ringing?那些该死的钟怎么敲不停呢?Switzerland isn't all cow-bells and yodelling, you know.你知道,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声。Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight.午夜时刻一到,教堂钟声齐鸣。The little silver bells on its harness tinkled merrily.挽具上的小银铃发出悦耳的叮当声。The car was equipped with all the bells and whistles you could ask for.这辆小车配备了你想要的所有装饰部件。The bells were still clanging in the cathedral tower.钟依然在大教堂的钟楼里当当鸣响。We could hear the bells all across town.我们在镇子各处都能听见钟声。When we heard the peal of (the) bells, we knew a truce had been declared.当我们听到钟声时,就知道已经宣告休战了。The cemetery bells gonged in the air.墓地丧钟声在空中回荡。I heard the jingle of bells.我听见铃铛叮当作响。The bells clanged.铃铛叮当响了。The bells were tolled for the service.礼拜的钟声敲响了。She knew that if she brought her boyfriend home her mother would start hearing wedding bells.她知道如果她把男友带回家,她母亲就会认为他们即将结婚。Switzerland isn't all cow bells and yodelling, you know.你知道,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声。The church bells called the worshippers to prayer.教堂钟声召唤礼拜教徒祈祷。The bells on the harness tinkled softly.轭具上的铃铛发出柔和的叮当声。The church bells are made of bronze.教堂大钟是青铜制成的。The jingle of bells announced the arrival of the ice-cream truck.铃声丁当,冰淇淋小贩推车来了。We heard the church bells ringing.我们听见了教堂的钟声。After going out with her boyfriend for a year, she started talking about wedding bells.她和男朋友相处一年后,开始谈婚论嫁了。Church bells rang out across the land.教堂的钟声响彻大地。The wedding bells rang out.婚礼的钟声敲响了。As she read his letter, warning bells began to sound in her head.她读着他的来信,心中有一种不祥的预感。And then we heard the bells ringing out.然后我们听见钟声响起。Her bracelets jingled like bells.她的手镯像铃铛一样叮当作响。The church bells tolled for the funeral.教堂响起缓慢低沉的丧钟。This has set the alarm bells ringing in Moscow.这已给莫斯科拉响了警报。She heard a peal of church bells.她听到了教堂响亮的钟声。The bishop was welcomed to the church with a peal of bells.伴随着响亮的钟声,主教被迎进教堂。What! A big bloke like you, beaten by his wife! Pull the other one; it's got bells on.什么!你这么一个大块头居然被他的妻子打了!别逗了。Alarm bells started to ring when he failed to return home.他没有回家,大家担心起来。His music often evokes the pealing or clangour of bells.他的音乐常常令人想起钟声。The bells on the door jingled musically as the guest came in.客人进来时响起了悦耳的门铃声。Christmas bells were jingling outside.圣诞铃在外面叮当作响。A herd of goats crossed the beach, the bells around their necks jingling cheerfully.沙滩上有一群山羊走过,挂在它们颈上的铃铛发出欢快的叮当声。The church bells tolled the hour.教堂鸣钟报时。The toll of the bells sounded throughout the village.缓缓的钟声响彻整个村子。We heard bells calling the faithful to prayer.我们听到召集信徒去祈祷的钟声。




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