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词汇 sputtered
例句 Russia's presidential campaign sputtered to an uneasy close on Monday.俄罗斯的总统竞选活动磕磕绊绊,于周一勉强结束了。The car sputtered once or twice and then stopped.汽车噼啪响了一两声就停了下来。Suddenly the engine sputtered and stopped.突然引擎啪啪响了几下就停了。The whole thing sputtered out.整个事态渐渐平息了下来。Josh turned the ignition and the car sputtered to life.乔希转动点火装置,轿车突突地启动了。She sputtered an angry protest.她语无伦次地提出愤怒的抗议。The engine coughed and sputtered and then stopped.发动机发出扑哧、噼啪的几声后就熄火了。His unspectacular career sputtered on.他继续过着平凡的生涯。The central zone is sputtered with a reflecting coating.中央区涂复了一层反射膜。The plane's engine sputtered and gave out, forcing an emergency landing.飞机的发动机一阵噼啪作响后就停了,不得不紧急迫降。The truck sputtered and stopped.卡车噼啪响了几声停下了。Engines sputtered to life again.发动机又开始噼噼啪啪运转起来。Thank God no one was around as they sputtered in.谢天谢地,他们啪嗒啪嗒地进来时幸亏左右没有人。The motor sputtered and died.发动机噼噼啪啪地响了几下后就熄火了。The machine guns sputtered away hysterically.机枪哒哒地疯狂扫射。Sausages sputtered in the frying pan.香肠在煎锅里毕剥作响。




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