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词汇 spring
例句 In the spring of certain years the birds have irrupted in large numbers.有几年春天,鸟儿大量激剧繁殖。In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour.春天,山谷里五彩缤纷。These tiny flowers are the first heralds of spring.这些小花是春天的第一批使者。They were pessimistic about the ceasefire holding until the spring.他们对停火持续到春季感到悲观。She lost herself in the beauty and freshness of this early spring morning.她陶醉在这个初春早晨的清新与美丽之中。They stopped at the campground built around a clear spring.他们停留在那座近处有一道清泉的露营园。It was spring and the trees were coming into leaf.春天来了,树木发芽了。Fair girls were wived in the spring.金发少女们在那个春天被人娶为妻子。The new software will be available in the spring. Meantime, users with problems can call our helpline.新软件将在春季推出。在此期间,遇到问题的用户可以拨打我们的服务热线。The plant dies back every winter and sends up new shoots each spring.这种植物每年冬天枯萎,春天再发新芽。Every spring the ozone is chewed up, and the hole appears.每年春天,臭氧层都会遭到破坏,出现漏洞。This spring he'll receive his PhD in physics.今年春季他将获得物理学博士学位。A computer will not spring into action without something powering it.计算机没有动力不会运转。Barry spent the day spring-cleaning.巴里用了整天时间大扫除。Melting snow floods the valleys each spring.每年春天,积雪消融,淹漫山谷。Every spring the river overflows.每到春天河水就泛滥。She refuses to spring for a new coat.她不愿掏钱买新外套。This fish lays eggs in spring.这种鱼春天产卵。They were building boats in anticipation of the spring thaw.他们正在造船以迎接春季解冻期的到来。Farmers start ploughing in the spring.春天农民开始耕种。Dior will launch its spring collection next week.迪奥将于下周推出它的春季时装。Donna spent spring semester of her junior year in Paris.唐娜是在巴黎度过她在大学第三年的春季学期的。We had three days of spring sunshine.我们享受了三天的春日阳光。I am decked out in my spring finery.我穿著春天的漂亮服饰。The river is at its highest in spring.这条河春季水位最高。Our star pitcher injured his arm in camp this spring.今年春天,我们的明星投手在集训营里伤了手臂。Prune the trees in the early spring.早春修剪一下树木吧。The trees budded early this spring.今年春天树发芽很早。Hyacinth bulbs planted in pots now will flower early in the spring.如果现在种在花盆里,风信子的球茎会在早春开花。The army was finally defeated in the spring.这支军队最终在春天被击败了。More good thereof shall spring.由此将产生更多的好处。Roy is unlikely to spring any surprises.罗伊不大可能做出让人吃惊的事情。She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring.她错过了地中海地区鲜花烂漫的春天。Plant the seeds in spring.在春天播种。The plants should be grown indoors until spring, when they can be transplanted outside.这些植物应该先种在室内,到了春天就可以移栽到外面。The first signs of spring appeared.春意萌动。In spring the icebergs begin to break up.到了春天,冰山就开始崩裂。The sequel came out this spring.续篇于今年春季问世。It needs a thorough spring-clean.有必要进行一次彻底的大扫除。This tree flowers in early spring.这棵树早春开花。




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