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词汇 machine
例句 The two parts of the machine don't align properly.这台机器的两个部件没有完全对准。The machine switches itself off when the process is complete.当工作程序结束后,机器会自动关闭。They kept her alive on a life support machine.他们用呼吸机维持她的生命。When the washing machine spurts out water at least we can mop it up.洗衣机溅出水时,我们至少可以把它擦干。The only way to turn the machine off is to pull the plug. 只有拔掉插头才能关上这台机器。Isn't it a bit infra dig to go to a launderette when you can afford a washing machine of your own?你能买得起洗衣机,却去自助洗衣店洗衣,这不是有失体面吗?Hydraulic jacks under the machine produce the movement.是机器下面的液压千斤顶造成的移动。It took the repairman an hour to get the washing machine going again.修理工花了一个小时才把洗衣机重新启动起来。This machine does not give change. Please have the right money ready.此机器不找钱,请准备好零钱。It will take far less time to machine the cuffs than to sew them by hand.用缝纫机缝制袖口比手工做省时得多。The old machine is no use; I'll be glad to get rid of it.这台旧机器已毫无用处,我乐于把它处理掉。He kicked the broken machine in vexation.他气得踢了那台坏机器一脚。The program can be entirely converted into machine code and saved before it is run, using a compiler.通过计算机编译,程序在运行前可完全转化为机器码并保存起来。Their washing machine looks like it came out of the ark.他们的洗衣机简直像件老古董。Turn the machine off before removing the cover.在打开盖子之前要把机器关掉。What make of machine are they using?他们用的是什么牌子的机器?Vickers machine-guns could be temperamental.维克斯机枪有时会出故障。Make sure the machine is earthed properly.一定要给机器接好地线。We had the machine on trial for a week.该机器我们试用了一个星期。The sensitivity of the machine provides us with extremely accurate data.这个机器很灵敏,给我们提供了极为准确的数据。The machine switches on automatically.这机器会自动开始运行。There's summat wrong with this machine.这机器出了点问题。He saw the tracers of the machine gun taking out after the enemy convoy.他看见机枪的曳光弹朝着敌人车队飞去。The sound of artillery and machine-gun fire came in gusts.传来一阵阵大炮声和机枪声。The machine barfed when I put in the wrong password.当我键入错误的口令时,计算机发出了怪声。Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.家长可以设定程序,禁止机器在特定时间启动。The machine has a complicated design.这台机器的设计很复杂。I collected up the dirty washing and bundled it into the washing machine.我把脏衣服放在一起,塞进洗衣机。All my attempts to get the machine working failed miserably.我费尽力气想让这台机器运转起来,可惜却失败了。The new machine will be pitched at users in the hotel and air reservation business.这种新机器将以酒店及机票预订行业的用户为目标群。We use the machine to pierce holes in the steel sheet.我们用机器在钢板上打洞。The platoon was pummeled by heavy machine-gun fire那个排遭到了机枪火力猛烈的连续攻击。By the end of the evening I felt like a cooking machine.到了那天晚上,我感觉自己像一台煮饭机器。She explained how the machine worked.她讲解了这台机器的工作原理。They heard the sound of machine-gun fire.他们听到了机关枪的枪声。This machine is of an old model, but it still operates well.这台机器是老型号,可是仍运转良好。Gunmen were firing machine guns from the upper floor of the hospital.持枪歹徒在医院的最高楼层上用机关枪射过来。This machine can gobble up work at a quite fantastic rate.这台机器能以相当惊人的速度进行工作。It's a common or garden washing machine, but it works perfectly well.这是台很普通的洗衣机,只有基本功能,但用起来没有一点儿毛病。After the accident she fell into a coma, and was on a life support machine for 6 months before regaining consciousness.事故发生之后她陷入昏迷,依靠机器维持生命,六个月后才恢复了意识。




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