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The disease subsequently spread to the rest of the country.疾病随后蔓延到这个国家的其他地方。The aim of US foreign policy at that time was to prevent the spread of communism.那时美国外交政策的目标是阻止共产主义的发展壮大。His fame had spread far and wide.他声名远扬。A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in primary schools with a typical spread of ability.因为学生的能力通常差异很大,基于话题的教学方法在小学里评估起来可能很难。AIDS is not spread by common everyday contact.一般日常接触不会传播艾滋病。Make sure that you spread the glue on both surfaces.一定要两面都涂上胶水。The river formed a natural blockade to the spread of the forest fire.那条河成了阻止森林大火蔓延的天然屏障。It's important to realize how quickly this disease can spread.知道这种疾病的传播速度有多快是很重要的。Tom spread sun cream onto the baby's back and began to rub it in.汤姆把防晒霜涂在婴儿的背上并摩擦直至吸收。College gave her a chance to spread her wings.大学给她一个变得更加独立和自信的机会。After she died at a San Jose hospital, word spread fast.她在圣何塞医院去世的消息很快就传开了。Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS.人们还希望性教育有助于控制艾滋病的蔓延。We spread the rug out on the floor.我们把地毯铺在地上。Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases?全球变暖是否意味着热带寄生虫病会蔓延呢?Snow will spread to southeasterly regions tonight.今晚降雪将蔓延到东南地区。The table spread with food made a goodly sight.桌上摆满了食物非常诱人。Peanut butter is best spread on chunks of crusty bread.花生酱在脆皮的大块面包上最好涂抹。In Peru, a cholera outbreak continues to spread.秘鲁的霍乱疫情持续蔓延。We need to slow the spread of the disease/virus.我们必须减缓疾病/病毒的蔓延。The only way to curb the spread of the disease is by immunizing the entire population.控制疾病蔓延的唯一途径是让所有人都接种疫苗。The rebellion started in Kilalla and spread quickly through the Western provinces.叛乱从基拉拉开始,迅速蔓延到西部各省。The news soon spread across the globe.消息很快传遍了全球。The blaze spread to two adjacent buildings before firefighters were able to contain it.消防员还没来得及控制火势,熊熊的烈火就蔓延到了毗邻的两栋大楼。He went forth to spread the news.他跑出去传播消息。Spiro spread his arms wide in a welcoming gesture.斯皮罗张开双臂,做出欢迎的姿势。The wide spread publication of traffic laws helps prevent accidents.广泛公布交通法规有助于防止事故的发生。The newspaper was spread across his lap.那份报纸摊放在他的腿上。He spread fertilizer on the field with a rake.他用耙子把地里的肥料摊匀。The river blockaded the spread of the forest fire.那条河阻止了森林大火的蔓延。The seeds are spread by wind, birds, and animals.种子是靠风、鸟及动物传播的。California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide.加州走在全国流行的尖端。He had some bread spread with syrup.他吃了一些涂糖浆的面包。He lay down with his limbs spread out in a star.他四肢向外伸展成星形躺下。The crash left wreckage spread over a wide area.坠机残骸散落的范围很广。By now Dr Barnard's fame had spread far beyond South Africa.现在巴纳德医生的名声已传到了南非以外的地区。You minimize risk by investing in a spread of successful companies.投资到若干不同的成功的公司,你就会把风险降到最低。The roots may spread as far below ground as does the foliage above ground.地上的枝叶有多高,地下的根就可能有多深。The search party spread out to search the surrounding fields.搜索队分头搜查周围的田野。He watched the dark stain spread over the gray carpet.他看着黑色的污迹在灰色的地毯上蔓延开去。The farm buildings are spread over a large area.那些农场建筑物占地甚广。 |