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词汇 沉寂
例句 This collection of essays is saved from nonentity by the stature of the contributors.因作者声誉较高,这本文集才不至归于沉寂The stillness was broken by the boom of a cannon.大炮的轰隆声打破了沉寂A heavy silence lingered in the air.令人压抑的沉寂弥漫在空气中。The once sleepy backwater is now a thriving city.那个曾经沉寂的闭塞之地现已成为繁华的都市。A loud scream shattered the silence.一声高声尖叫打破了沉寂The town remains sleepy despite the activity all around it.尽管周围很热闹,小镇仍然沉寂Celeste's voice penetrated the silence.塞莱斯特的声音打破了沉寂The silence was broken by the whirring of a helicopter.直升机的嗡嗡声打破了沉寂A sleepy capital of a few hundred thousand people has mushroomed to a crowded city of 2 million.几十万人的沉寂首府迅速发展成为拥有两百万人口的拥挤都市。Silence filled the room.房间一片沉寂The silence was punctured by her cry.她的哭声突然打破了沉寂A voice behind the hedge broke the stillness.篱笆后面传来一个声音,打破了沉寂There was silence except for the crackling of the fire.除了火的噼啪声,一片沉寂It was quiet for a moment, then Rae spoke.沉寂了片刻,雷就开始说话了。The band are back in business after a long break.这支乐队沉寂了很长一段时间后重返舞台。The cawing of a crow broke the afternoon's peace.乌鸦的啼声打破了午后的沉寂The dead radio resurged to life.沉寂的无线电重又响起。A blanket of silence descended.一片沉寂气氛笼罩下来。Having bubbled under for years, jungle music is about to go mainstream.沉寂了几年之后,丛林音乐开始转向主流派风格。The guns along the Namibia-Angola border were starting to fall silent.纳米比亚和安哥拉边境的枪声开始沉寂下来。There was a sudden stillness in the air.气氛突然间沉寂下来。It was winter and the whole town was sleeping.那是在冬天,整座城镇一片沉寂There was deadly silence in the valley.山谷里死一般的沉寂There was a moment's silence before she replied.片刻沉寂后她才作答。There were several lulls in the conversation.谈话中有数次沉寂The unearthly silence was broken by a shrill screaming.一声尖叫打破了这可怕的沉寂The silence was broken every so often by the sound of guns in the distance.偶尔,远处传来几声枪响打破了沉寂The incidence of murder that Sunday afternoon shocked the sleepy village.那个星期天下午发生的凶杀案,震动了这个一向沉寂的村庄。The band started touring again after two years out of the limelight.沉寂两年之后,这个乐队又开始了巡回演出。He thought her campaign would probably fade out soon in any case.他认为不管怎样,她的竞选活动都可能会很快归于沉寂At last Phil broke the silence.最后菲尔终于打破了沉寂The rugby club has been asleep for five years and it's just woken up.这个橄榄球俱乐部沉寂了五年,刚刚苏醒过来。Suddenly everything went still.突然间一切都沉寂了下来。Minutes passed in agonized silence.在难堪的沉寂中几分钟过去了。Again there was a short silence.接着又是一阵短暂的沉寂All is silent on the island now.此时岛上一片沉寂It represented for those early inhabitants stability, perpetuity and silence.对于那些早期居民而言,它代表着稳定、永恒与沉寂Jane began to rebuild her social life which had been non-existent since her marriage.简开始重新建立自己自结婚以来便陷于沉寂的社交生活。The band finally has a new album after a three year layoff.沉寂了三年之后,乐队终于出了一张新专辑。I thought of home, of the drowsy fields and villages baking in the sun.我想起了家乡,想起了那些在太阳下烘晒的沉寂的田野和村庄。




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