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词汇 spouse
例句 My spouse and I have complementary goals.爱人和我有相辅相成的目标。The therapist can meet with the spouse on alternate weeks.治疗师每隔一周可以与配偶见一次面。You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse.你可以选择和配偶一起缴所得税,也可以各自缴税。Your spouse may not understand that you’ve made the switch for the health benefits.您的配偶也许不明白您已经交换了医疗保险。It is often helpful to have your spouse in the room when major news is expected.等待重大消息时最好有配偶在场。Your spouse receives income and principal from the trust for the remainder of his or her lifetime.你的配偶在其余生都会获得该信托基金的收益和本金。People try to justify the breakdown of their marriage by blaming their spouse.人们试图通过把责任归咎于配偶来为婚姻失败作辩解。A minister may conduct the marriage of a divorced person whose former spouse is still alive.牧师可以为前配偶仍然在世的离异者主持婚礼。




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