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词汇 spot on
例句 The spot on your shirt is very noticeable.你衬衫上的污渍非常显眼。There was a bald spot on the lawn.草坪上有一块是光秃秃的。They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents.他们在一块岩石平台上找到了一个可以搭帐篷的地方。She pointed to a spot on the map.她指着地图上的一个地方。She started picking a spot on her chin.她开始挤下巴上的一个痘。Oh no, I've got a spot on my new shirt!啊呀,不好了,我的新衬衫沾上污渍了!There were mud spots on the back of his pants.他裤子后面有些泥点。There was a damp spot on the ceiling.天花板上有块地方潮了。I couldn't help noticing the spot on his tie. = I couldn't help but notice the spot on his tie. 我不由得注意到他领带上的污渍。The controls are located in a convenient spot on the dashboard.这些控制装置安装在仪表板上便于操作的地方。He tries to cover up the bald spot on his head.他尽量将脑袋上头发脱光的地方遮盖起来。You have a spot on your tie.你的领带上有块污渍。The dog is black with a white spot on its chest.这只黑狗的胸前有个白点。It's easier to hit the sweet spot on larger-faced golf clubs.击球面大的高尔夫球杆击球时容易触及击球甜点区。There's a spot on your shirt.你衬衣上有块污渍。The budget has a regular spot on the agenda.预算是一个惯常的议程。He was obsessively worrying at that one little spot on his arm.他执着地抠着胳膊上的小块红斑。There's a bald spot on the top of his head.他的头顶秃了一块。She had a small beauty spot on the left side of her face.她左脸上有一小颗美人痣。There are bike trails to the highest spot on the island, which has magnificent views of San Francisco.那里有自行车道通往岛上的至高点,在那里能看到圣弗朗西斯科的壮丽景色。He marked the spot on his map where he had seen the gold and returned later that month to stake his claim.他在地图上标出了见到金子的地方,然后在当月晚些时候回来宣布对此地拥有所有权。She qualified for a spot on the U.S. Olympic speed skating team.她取得了加入美国奥林匹克速滑队的资格。There are wet spots on the floor.地板上有些水渍。The prime minister has a blind spot on ethical issues.这位首相无视道德问题。There was a trickle of blood oozing from a dark spot on his forehead.他额上一处乌青有血沁出。Unsuccessful at screen writing, he got a spot on a CNN film show.写电影剧本未获成功后,他在美国有线新闻网的一档电影节目中争取到了一个固定时段。She has earned a spot on the national team.她成功进入国家队。You have the third spot on the program.你表演第三个节目。He's trying out for a spot on the team.他在参加球队的选拔。The black spots on her skin seemed to be slowly increasing in size.她皮肤上的黑斑好像在慢慢变大。




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