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He's not a regular doctor.他不是个有合格资质的医生。Exercise has become a regular part of my lifestyle.锻炼已成为我生活方式的常态。A regular air service has been set up between the two cities.两市间已开通了定期航班。He calls me every day at ten, as regular as clockwork.他每天十点钟给我打电话,非常准时。Liz was being paid a regular monthly retainer.利兹每月固定得到一笔预付金。Try to make sure your motions are regular and that you avoid any constipation.尽量保证排便规律,避免便秘。He is one of the regular callers here.他是此地的常客之一。Getting regular exercise is important.经常锻炼很重要。He's got no regular job.他没有固定的工作。The store extends credit only to its regular customers.这家店只给老主顾赊账。The pictures showed cracks and other irregularities in otherwise perfectly regular crystals.这些图片表明:除了一些裂缝及凹凸不平之处,这些等轴晶系晶体无可挑剔。Professional athletes make regular appearances on TV.职业足球运动员经常在电视上亮相。He has returned to his regular duties.他已经回去正常上班了。Tim seems like a regular guy.蒂姆看起来是一个好人。The Parent-Teacher Association has regular meetings every month.家长教师协会每月开一次例会。He sat at his regular table near the window.他照例坐在那张靠窗的桌子。She is a regular viewer of the evening news.她常看晚间新闻。The wallpaper has a regular pattern of stripes.这款壁纸有规则的条纹图案。I have regular one-to-ones with my manager.我经常和我的经理单独开会。The trees which gave the road its name stood at regular intervals along the kerb.这条道路得名于这些树木,它们沿两边的路缘间隔均匀地排列着。The importance of regular exercise was brought home to him when his best friend developed heart problems.他最好的朋友患了心脏病时,他才清楚地认识到经常锻炼的重要性。It has long been known that regular exercise promotes all-round good health.经常锻炼能促进全面健康,这一点已久为人知。I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis.我从来不建议经常使用太阳灯浴浴床。Preseason games are tune-ups for the regular season.季前赛是常规赛的热身。The bus company runs a regular airport shuttle service.公交公司提供定期的机场班车服务。The news of the plane's explosion had flashed on television in New York, cutting into all regular programming.飞机爆炸的消息在纽约的电视上突然插播,打断了所有正常节目。More than half the children of divorce did not see the non-custodial parent on a regular basis.超出半数的离婚家庭的孩子没有定期与无监护权的家长见面。I could now see the attraction of a steady job and regular income.现在我体会到稳定的工作和固定收入的诱惑力了。You would have to spend two times as much at a regular department store.你得花相当于在普通百货商场两倍的钱。Martin is a regular worshipper at St Mary's church.马丁经常在圣马利亚教堂做礼拜。One of the secrets of good health is regular exercise.身体健康的诀窍之一是定时运动。The boss made regular inspections in order to keep employees on their toes.老板进行定期检查是为了使员工时刻打起精神。Despite the actor's regular attempts to branch out, he's become forever associated with a single character type.虽然这个男演员经常尝试拓展戏路,但他已经永远和一种角色类型联系在了一起。It's just a regular maintenance shutdown.这只是一次定期保养停机。This diet will only work in conjunction with regular exercise.这种节食方法只有和定期锻炼相结合才能起作用。It is stating the obvious, but regular measurement of blood pressure is essential in older people.可能不说大家也知道,定期给老人量血压是很重要的。The RAC is calling for rest areas spaced at regular intervals on major roads.皇家汽车俱乐部呼吁:交通主干道上的休息区应均匀分布。Try to get into good habits and eat regular healthy meals.尽量养成好习惯,吃饭要定时、讲营养。The doctor has advised me to take regular light exercise.医生建议我经常做一些轻微的运动。We have regular fire drills.我们定期进行消防演习。 |